Taxpayers on the Hook for Three AGWs

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Here’s video of three armed government workers Hut! Hut! Hutting! (and Krav Magra’ing) a guy who was apparently dancing and yelling in a freight yard. They also let their vicious dog chew on the man, taking plenty of time before pulling him off. 

Mind, the guy was not violent – but the AGWs got violent with him almost as soon as they rolled up. It’s the usual drill of hyper-escalation followed by gross over-use of force.

The video evidence resulted in a $100k settlement – the money coming out of the hides of the taxpayers, just like the chunks of flesh torn off the man by the rabid AGW on four paws.

This is the sort of “training” AGWs receive nowadays. The same Submission Tactics used by the IDF. It is no coincidence that Americans are being treated just like Palestinians now.

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