
Tires for the TA

When an 8 ounce package of butter costs almost $6, it seems extravagant to spend $400 on a pair of tires for a car that mostly just sits. But next year,...

Another Checkpoint Hero

Here's another "liberty snuff film." A guy well within the US is detained by Heroes in funny green outfits just because they can:

It Never Ends…

Gawd. Will it ever stop - or even slow down a little? The latest: NHTSA and the insurance companies want to see fines for not buckling up jacked up to as much...

Reader Question: Classic Insurance Recommendations?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Gary asks: I have a 1992  Miata and a 2000 Jaguar S model. They are insured with American Collectors; they are very lenient,...

“Oathkeeping” AGWs

You may have seen - or read about - the goings on in Olmos Park, TX where the local AGWs do not like the fact that open-carry is legal (per state...

Requiring What’s Already Standard . . .

The federal "safety" apparat intends to mandate - that word, again - that all new cars be fitted with automatic emergency braking "technology" within a few years from now, if not...

We Have Crossed the Rubicon

Do you suppose cows have any idea what's coming as they're marched down the chute? Or do they stare with bovine indifference at the tail and hind quarters in front of...

Tsunami Alert!

Next week, I'll be on InfoWars again - this time, to talk about GM's shivving of me for not being gay and something other-than-white and male. It'll be Thursday, 10:30 east...

Etymological Atrocities

When the federal government imposed an "individual mandate" to buy health insurance, the latter became no such thing - even though people still mistakenly use the term when speaking about it. Think...

Heroes Promise To Ransack Man’s Home, Kill His Dogs

KANSAS CITY, MO — An innocent man got a unexpected visit from police that left him shaken and fearing for his safety. Upset that he did not consent to a warrantless...
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