
Reader Question: Registering a Roxor?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Domenic asks: I may be able to register a Roxor Jeep (see here) as a composite vehicle but need assurance that I may...

EV Mandates Bad . . . Ethanol Mandates Good!

Donald Trump has been denouncing the mandates forcing electric vehicles onto the "market" - in air fingers quotes to make a point of the absurdity of using that word to describe...

Second Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Gun Confiscation

There are some good ones among them: Linn County Oregon Sheriff Tim Mueller has become the second prominent law enforcement official to put the Obama administration on notice that he will not...

Hyperloop – Averting Global Collapse Via The New World Agora

Hyperloop Agora Proposal: 14% of the measured world economy involves the movement of people and cargo. That's 9 Trillion $USD. A system of prototypes and then actual tubes could be built by...

“Hero” Rapes Dog…

Just when you think . . . Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Andrew C. Sustaita Jr. has been arrested after he was caught “producing obscene material online.” Sustaita was caught after HCSO investigators from...

Hero Cops Don’t Understand “Open Carry”

Albuquerque Police Arrest Man For Carrying Legal Weapons From CopBlock: Albuquerque police recently arrested and charged a man who was apparently doing nothing more than carrying a firearm. According to public records obtained by...

Cadillac Sedan deVille, 1956-1984

Nowadays, all the really big sedans are foreign-made: Bentleys, Rolls-Royces, Daimler Maybachs. It is a sign of the decline of the once-magnificent American Land Yacht, whose sole surviving exemplar as of...

eBooks, Skyping and Q&A

You may have noticed we've added an "Ask Eric" feature on the main page (see top menu bar and also just above the pie chart graphic on the right-hand side of...

A Clover Speaks

The following is reprinted in whole from today's Automotive News, which is infested with automotive journalists who've guzzled whole cauldrons of Naderite/Claybrookian Kool Aid and are now indistinguishable in their outlook...

Hero Cop Fakes DUI Busts to Plump Her Resume

From AP: A class-action lawsuit has been filed against a former Utah Highway Patrol trooper and her superiors alleging that she filed false DUI charges during her career. The department fired Lisa Steed...
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