
The GPS Granny Nanny

America is slowing down. How long before it stops entirely? Literally stops? A reader who is a commercial driver wrote to tell me about how his work vehicle is monitored and controlled via...

$5k OffRoad Shopping Spree

Just a quick hip-you-to-it that our new advertiser, American Muscle, has a special promo for owners of Jeep Wranglers and Toyota Tacomas. Sponsored by Barricade Off-Road, leaders in Wrangler and Truck exterior styling...

First Look: 2020 Toyota Corolla

Here's a first look at the redone 2020 Corolla - which isn't boring anymore - and is more practical than it used to be. The sedan - and the new hatchback. Plus a...

Reader Question: Accelerator Pedal Extender?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Vivian asks: I'm short so I have to sit close to the steering wheel and I'm afraid of injury from my airbag.  Can...

Vaccination Hut! Hut! Hutting!

Here's video of a gang of Tacticooled AGWs - full battle dress, with their Batman belts and body armor - Hut! Hut! Hutting! the home of a family over their reportedly...

Reader Rant: Defeating Air Bags

Here's the latest reader rant, along with my reply! BeetleBob writes: fyi,  you can disarm the air bag by pulling the fuse that provide the electricity to run it.  Look in the...

Video Rant: The Obamacare Out

Good news, campers! There is a way out of being mulcted by the insurance mafia - and punished by the government for not letting yourself be mulcted by the mafia. . . . Got...

The Obamacare Out

It was nice of the Orange Man to rescind the punishment - the "shared responsibility payment" - applied by the IRS for failing to fork over money to the health insurance...

Female AGW Hut! Hut! Huts!

Here's a video out of Gary, Indiana of a female AGW going berserk over a man who dared to film her doings in front of his own house. According to reports, the...

Reader Question: Last Year for Passat TDI?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Terry asks: Did VW make a TDI powered Passat in these vintages (during the "cheating" years)? How might one go about finding such...
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