
Reader Question: Recall Incentives?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! David asks: What incentives are behind automotive recalls? I keep getting letters and calls pestering me about airbag recalls for my old Honda...

The Quarter-Million-Dollar AGW

Here's video of an undercover investigation into the pelfing of an AGW in Louisiana. This AGW takes (no earns) more money than many doctors and other useful people, who don't earn...

Obergruppenfuhrer AGWs

Here's news coverage from a local Vegas, NV ABC affiliate about the former Obergruppenfuhrer (note his four stars and "campaign" ribbons) and his stellvertreter (deputy) who were both fired after an internal...

Inside EV Baseball

Most people have no direct experience with electric cars - and neither do I.  Well, not officially.  The difference is, I should have it - because unlike 99.9 percent of the population, I...

Reader Question: Flush That Tranny?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Ryans asks: I likely have 180,000 miles on my tranny fluid in my 2006 Ford F150. Abhorrent, I know - go easy on...

Reader Question: TDI VW Cautions?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Greg asks:  I read your article about the previously “banned” TDIs becoming available.  I currently drive a ‘98 Avalon and need an upgrade. ...

High Water Marks: 1973 Pontiac SD-455 Trans-Am

As a guy who reviews new cars, I am often asked which cars are my favorite cars. Almost all of them are old cars - which could be nostalgia but maybe...

NC AGWs “Take Down” Teenage Girl…

Here's video out of North Carolina of two armed government workers assaulting a teenage girl for having the temerity to film the arrest of another teenager. Once again, the brutal over-reaction and...

Reader Question: Lemon Buyback?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Gary asks: I watched the following video, LEMON LAW! VW Buys Kristen's 2018 VW Atlas Back! I don't understand why VW corporate would not make...

Video Rant: 2018 Mazda6

Here's a quick look at the 2018 Mazda6, which hasn't had a six for the past four years - but now has something to make up for that. Plus, hasn't got something...
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