
Batman Go Home

The Left spent a lot of time urging that police - that is, the enforcer class - be "de-funded." Until the Left acquired political power. Suddenly, it was very much in...

Jeep Gladiator Parts!

EPautos stalwart advertiser American Muscle and American Trucks has some stuff - and some deals on - accessories for the new Jeep Gladiator (reviewed here). The stuff includes a low-restriction cat-back exhaust...

DTF . . .

That acronym has two meanings - one of them having nothing to do with cars and so we won't get into that, here. It's the other meaning - Designed to Fail - ...

Today’s Clover: Two Spaces for One!

Here's video of today's Clover - A PT Cruiser Clover who leaves a full car length of air between his car and the car ahead, assuring that at least one car...

The Consequences of Civility

It is difficult for people who respect civilities to be other-than-civil, even toward uncivilized people. This is a weakness that has led to the widespread incivility of our times. It is...

FRED Says . . .

Imagine a red light that never goes green - unless you obey. The speed limit. Whatever it is. And sends you a ticket via mail if you don't. Say hello to FRED - feu...

Reader Question: Sequoia Replacement?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Karen asks: I'm considering buying a new car as my Sequoia is about done.  I've had it for twenty years and it has...

Reader Question: Leaded Premium and High Performance?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Gary asks: Thank you for kindly answering my prior inquiry about switching off all electric stuff when you turn off a modern car....

The Company Car You Get to Pay For

It’s a reliable bet that every word you read purveyed by the government-corporate nexus means its opposite. “Contributions” you’re forced to make; the “customer” who can’t say no. And the Alliance for...

Doin’ Right Ain’t Got No End . . .

When your business is solving problems, it's necessary to find new ones - even if they aren't really problems. Else you might find yourself out of business. You won't find the above credo...
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