
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Trucks Now vs. Then Rant

Here's a quick rant - and comparison - of trucks today vs. what they were, yesterday. The new ones are posher than the Bentleys and Rolls-Royces of my youth (and maybe...

AGWs Do The Pedophile Priest Shuffle

Here's a story out of Clayton, GA - a suburb of Atlanta - where they're farming out "troubled" armed government workers to  . . . government schools. Like pedophile priests moved...

Reader Question: Mindless Oil Change Monitor?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! John asks: My 2014 V6 Mustang oil change monitor is down to 15 percent.  I only have 2,200 miles since the last oil...

Latest Reader Question: Diesel Trucks (May 8, 2018)

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jeff asks: Are there any small, older pickups with diesel engines? My reply: Yes, but you have to go way back. The Chevy Luv of...

Florida Heroes Perform Warrantless Beverage Inspections On “Anyone We Want”

Police to perform warrantless beverage inspections on ‘anybody’ visiting Fla. beaches "We can go up to anybody we want, OK? If we see something that looks like alcohol," said the police chief. HOLMES...

AGW Neck-Tases Handcuffed Victim

This video shows the casual sadism of an armed government worker who gratuitously Tasers a handcuffed man from behind, in the neck - apparently just for the kicks of it: Once again,...

Latest Reader Q (Sept. 19, 2017)

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply: Ray asks: Went to a Walmart today to have new tires put on vehicle. Employee came out to vehicle with a hand held computer...

Reader Question: Finding Those TDIs

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Kari asks: I listened to your podcast with Tom Woods. Thank you for monitoring the automotive industry. I have been on the look...

Reader Question: Gnawing Protection?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Greg asks: What an I use on a wiring harness on newer vehicles to discourage rodents from gnawing on the wires? My 2018...

A “Hero” Attacks

While filming the breezeway between the Sheriff’s Office of Dallas and the county justice complex, a photographer was assaulted, battered, and verbally threatened for legally filming. As dozens of Dallas county employees...
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