

All two-wheeled-related. Anything about bikes and riding.

Reader Question: The Grom?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Zane asks: Wondering what you think of the Honda Grom/Monkey? Its been a decade, and tons of new toys are out there, even...

New Wheels Without All The New “Features”

There is a way to get a new vehicle without getting all the new “features” such as an engine that turns itself off every time you stop for a light, brakes that...

The Deadwire Departs

Harley—Davidson just admitted that a Harley without an engine is like a beach without the ocean. Not many, apparently, want to go there. So the DeadWire - the Harley without an engine...

Spring Bike Pre-Flight

Motorcycles have something in common with lawn mowers and weed whackers: It's common for them to just sit for months during the off season. This makes them all vulnerable to the...

Why The King Died

No, not Elvis. This old Kawasaki motorcycle I've got sitting in my office. It has a neat little engine of a type you don't see anymore - unless you're in the backyard...

Indoor Motorcycle Storage

After my divorce, I realized I needed a new companion. The problem being, “she” was living in the garage. I refer to my much-beloved and always faithful ’75 Kawasaki S1C, aka Little...

Reader Question: Mummified ’83 Silverwing?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Kyle asks: I am having my grandmother ship a 1983 Honda GL650 Silverwing to me. It was my grandfather's who passed away about...

Enter the ZRX

I started one of my bikes yesterday after it had been sitting for the past six months - the time it took for me to find the time to rebuild its...

First Bikes

Bikes are not unlike shoes in that you want one that fits. If you're a big guy, there are bikes that won't. And if you're not a big guy, there are bikes...

No Helmet, no Diaper . . .

It's hard to not get down when you see what's going on all around. The poltroonish passivity of the populace. Stay safe! Diaper up! So I figured I'd show them something else. The '76...
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