
Site News, Minor Rants & What Have You

Site news, rants on things in the news and items of general interest … not quite articles, but longer than a sentence or two.

A Smokey & The Bandit Experience

The following is a purely fictional account... A guy I know happened to be driving down to the gym the other day, to work off some stress. He had his radar detector on,...

Back in The Woods

I'm back home from Arizona and wanted to put out a quick "thank you" to everyone here for understanding about me being a little scarce the past few days. And for...

Saluta il Duce!

I have my Fez ready. There is some satisfaction to be gained from Trump's victory last night. At least we can savor the carpet-chewing rage of the Pants Suited One. It must...

24 Hours

In just about 24 hours, America will have a new Dear Leader. It maybe her, it may be him. It doesn't matter much to us. If you are one of the us...

October Thanks!

We made it to the Green! Thanks to everyone who chipped in; I am almost out of EPautos magnets, by the way - so I'm going to order a new batch....


I like Subarus. They're tough as leather (though not swift as Greyhounds) and are the only cars - other than Porsches - that still come with boxer engines (a plus; they're...

Trick or Treat

Just a few days left before Halloween - and before we reach the end of the month. We're about a a third of a tank low (see pie chart) as of Tuesday...

Let’s Hope for a Record Low Turnout

Trump coulda been a contender - maybe even more than that. Now I wonder whether it was all another Long Con. The cynic in me (I am a journalist) begins to wonder...

In Defense of Tesla (Kinda Sorta)!

Here's the audio from my latest radio gig - talking about Tesla's direct-sale model (much better than the actual models it sells) on Bill Meyer's show in Oregon: Also: I'm working up...

The New EPautos

Most of the reviews have been positive - and we're working on the tweaks suggested by many of you, including making comments easier to find. Please continue to send me your...
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