
Jab Addled “Driving”?

We know the Jabs "warp-speeded" past the usual safeguards such as double blind clinical trials over a period of time long enough to establish with a high degree of confidence that...

2022 Subaru Outback Wilderness

There are two versions of the Wilderness version of two Subaru models - the Forester and the Outback. Each are similar in that they both come standard with additional features that make...

Musical Chairs

As you've probably read - and it's true - used car asking prices have gone bananas. On average, they are up some 30-40 percent vs. about two years ago this time,...

How EVs Don’t Save You Money

The headline probably has you thinking about the high cost of the EV - so high that whatever you "save" by not buying gas ends up costing you a great deal....

Diaper Report 5/18/22

It is easy enough to see that face-effacing is still a thing. One still regularly sees people wearing that disgusting thing - even for the walk from their car to the...

On “Regulations”

Government "regulations" (as they are styled) are crushing the life out of cars, in the manner of a python doing the same to its prey. But what the python does is...

Drive 55 Comes to Germany

German drivers may soon be “standing with Ukraine” - by moving less fast. It appears the Autobahn is about to get a speed limit, touted by those who advocate it as...

2022 Dodge Durango

The last of the V8 Interceptors - from the Mad Max movies - was a car. The real thing may be something like the Dodge Durango SUV, especially the SRT 392 variant...

Crypto is Now Less So

While we're awaiting the collapse of the dollar, let's have a look at the collapse of crypto - aptly named because it's so difficult to understand, the almost-axiomatic clue that  a...

How to Double – Even Triple – Your Gas Mileage

There is not much we can do about the doubling-plus of the price of gas, which is a function of our money buying less as much as it is a function...
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