
Your Mobile Phone

It's been said - and there is truth to it - that new cars are a lot like cell phones. Or rather, they try hard to emulate them. One you carry;...

Fauci is Science – and Science is Fauci!

It has a familiar ring - to those who've heard it before. Rudolf Hess said it of his boss, many years ago. Hitler is Germany - just as Germany is Hitler! And now,...

Why Used Car Prices are Going Up

An unprecedented thing is happening - and it isn't the attempt to inject every healthy American with "medicine" (sic) their health doesn't require. It is that used cars are . . ....

Fixing the Game

Does it make sense to play by the rules when the rules no longer apply? Well, when they only apply to you? If you own a car, you are forced to “cover”...

The Cat Fish

Ford is having some trouble with its names. Or its memory. It named a five-door crossover SUV a “Mustang” Mach-E. And now it has bestowed the Maverick name on something that isn’t a...

How to Fast Charge a Dead Electric Car

A company called Blink Charging has found a solution to the problem of electric cars running out of electricity. It is called gasoline. Internally combusted. The Miami-based company has built a “mobile charger” -...

Needled Driving, Part II and III

There is definitely something in those Needles. Besides the "vaccine," that is. As evidenced by the growing ubiquity of sleepwalking driving. Such driving has always existed, of course. But it wasn't always...

My Body, My Choice?

One of the more glaring cognitive dissonances of our time is the assertion, on the one hand - and usually asserted most stridently by people on the Left - that their...

2021 Mazda CX-30

Sometimes, too close is not far enough. It is why Mazda will stop selling the CX-3, its smallest crossover SUV, after next year - in favor of the new CX-30, its next-smallest...

The Yugo and its Merits

The joke goes: How do you double the value of a Yugo? Fill up the gas tank! True enough. And yet, nearly 800,000 of them were made - all the way through 2008, a...
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