
The High Cost of Free

The other day, I drove by a tent set up in the parking lot of the local volunteer fire department where people could get "free" injections of whatever's-in-those-needles. Similar kiosks are...

Inconvenience Stores

Convenience stores are about . . . convenience. People go there chiefly in order to get out of there, quickly. Else they'd go someplace else. It is why you're willing to pay more...

Orange was Right About the “China Virus” . . . but Got it...

It’s suddenly “safe” - just like that - to show your face again. And it is also “safe” for the corporate-state propaganda organs - what is styled the “media” - to...

Diaper Report 6/1/21

A weird - because sudden - "case" to report. Last week, I reported on an attempted Diapering at Earth Fare in Roanoke. An Acolyte of the Diaper ran up to me, proffering...

2021 Genesis G80

Small things now come in big packages. The Genesis G80 - which is a big sedan - used to be available with a big V8. It now comes standard with a small...

International Slow Driving Month?

Is it something in the water? Or something in the Needle? Every other driver suddenly seems to have difficulty driving close to the speed limit. I just encountered one doing 38 or...

The Arrogance of One Size Fits All

It’s funny that “saving lives” only seems to apply when it works to further the degree of control over us  . . . exercised by the people who control the thing...

Backyard Independence

It's nice that most of us can now buy food again while showing our faces, again. But the past going-on-two-years ought to have taught us what could happen again. It is Memorial...

Cashing Them Out

There are two problems with the Holy Jab - beyond the risks (including of death) people assume when they receive their Anointing. The first is that many are not being Anointed -...

New Wheels Without All The New “Features”

There is a way to get a new vehicle without getting all the new “features” such as an engine that turns itself off every time you stop for a light, brakes that...
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