
Looks Like We Can’t Find Any Gazzuline

Mad Max drove around looking for gas. At least he was able to do that. Many Americans  will wake up today to find they have no gas - or rather, that none's...

Tesla – and GM – Finally Admit It

GM - and Tesla - just publicly admitted that they can’t sell electric cars. Or rather, they need your help - via Uncle. To pay people $7,500 each to "buy" their electric...

2021 Kia Sorento

Everyone wants to fit into the clothes they were able to wear when they were 20. Some try to put them on anyway. Usually, the fit isn’t good. It’s the same kind of...

Diaper Report 5/9/21

These may soon become Needle Reports. Diapering is waning, apparently everywhere - even in places where compliance with both "mandates" and social pressure was nearly universal as recently as a month or...

Badge Funging

You used to be able to easily tell a Ford from a Chevy from a BMW from a Subaru. Now it's becoming hard to know whether what you're talking about has...

Buyer’s Remorse . . .

If electric cars are The Future how come one in five who own them are returning to the Past? They are replacing their first electric car with a non-electric car, according to...

The Old Car Experience

If you’ve never driven an old car - as opposed to a used car - you have probably never experienced certain things that were once part of the experience of driving...

What About The Children?

A child just died - but not because of the 'Rona. Essentially no children have died because of the 'Rona. But a 15-year-old Colorado boy just died from the "cure." Which apparently...

And They All Look Just the Same . . .

There are two chief reasons for the homogenous appearance of new cars. And they're related. The first reason is that all new cars - all new vehicles - must be designed in...

Face Burqa Signage and Property Rights

Do signs have rights? More precisely, are we bound by respect for the property rights of store owners as supposedly expressed by signs that state it is "store policy" for patrons to...
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