
Five Months In…

It is almost halfway through 2016 and - still - no (new) diesels for you. Not from VW, at any rate. Uncle has still not given his permission for the sale of any...

Voting . . .

Voting is painful for me - almost like going to see the dentist. One the one hand, I wish our rights were not up for a vote; that I didn't have to...

Schumer’s Electric Escort Service

If you have to pay a girl to go out with you, there’s probably something wrong with you. Especially if you let yourself believe she is going out with you because...

Why The Press is Hated . . .

The press wonders - or pretends to wonder - why it’s held in contempt by more than just a small handful of  people. Maybe the pressies should read what they publish. The other...

Casualties of Saaaaaafety

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety has cost us a lot - and not just money. It has sucked almost all of the the fun out of driving - especially for those who were born after the...

To Vote – or Not to Vote?

It's said that if elections mattered, they wouldn't allow them. There's truth in this. Even Stalin allowed elections. Because, of course, he knew who the winner would be before the first...

Gimmicks and Their Downsides

The problem with new cars is they're too good for their own good. Well, too good for the car companies trying to sell new cars. Rust has become almost a non-problem. Reliability...

Going Limp

I've read that it's an effective defense tactic to go limp - become deadweight - in the event someone's trying to force you to go with them. It's advice directed mainly...

The Golden Years

Back in the '80s, you may have had to "Drive 55" on the highway - but in other ways, things were pretty damn good. At least, a lot better in a...

The Built-In Defect

The infamously exploding Ford Pinto was recalled because of a design defect with the Pinto. That particular car. But cars - as such - weren’t defective, so only the Pinto was...
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