
The Lessons of I-95

A few days ago, Virginia - home to this writer - was hammered by a sudden-onslaught blizzard that dumped almost a foot of snow along the I-95 corridor, the name we...

The Selectively Closed Eye of Sauron

Our sssssssssssaaaaaaaafety matters  . . . but only when it suits. No other conclusion can be drawn from the cognitive disconnect that, on the one hand, the merest assertion of potential risk...

What They Never Mention

A piece popped up on the newsfeed quoting the uber hacks at regarding the escalating price of new cars. Not one word in the piece about the cost of government...

Hillary Wants You to Drive 55… Again

Donald Trump doesn’t want to Drive 55 - but Hillary does. Well, she wants us to drive 55. The Dear Leader’s armored limo, of course, is not subject to any speed limits. They...

More Fine Print . . .

They're not hiding the facts about EVs. You just have look for them. A good place to start is in the owner's manual. That's where I found out that Ford recommends avoiding...

The Jab That Cleaves

Many of us have parted ways with friends - or so we thought they were - of long-standing over the "masking" ritual that became the overt symbol of the weaponized hypochondriac...

Non-Emergency Automated Braking

Something strange - and dangerous - happened to me the other day while I was out test-driving a new Toyota Prius. The car decided it was time to stop. In the middle...

Big Mike in 2024?

There is much speculation about who will be selected resident next year. Will it be what's left of Joe Biden after 81 years of grifting? Or will it be Big Mike? Maybe the...

Haggling over the Price

Two years ago - and ever since then - I have refused to efface my face. Not for anyone. Not to get anything. Not ever. Not once. I refused, because I understood then that...

EV Experience: Round II

Three months ago, I got three EVs in a row to real-world test drive - in terms of how far they actually go as opposed to how quickly they can get...
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