

Small vs. Big: Some Pros . . . and Cons

If you're trying to decide whether to buy a bigger - or smaller - car, you might want to consider some of the following pros and cons: * Small cars usually...

Did You Know . . . ?

As with software (and hardware) every now and again, it's necessary to do an update. Same goes for automotive knowledge. Maybe a better term would be conventional wisdom. Things change -...

Car Smells – And Tastes

What can your car tell you just by the way it smells - or tastes? A lot, actually. Let's put on our chef hats and see what's cooking... * Car smells like maple syrup...

The Four-Wheeled Bubble

Bubbles are always obvious ... in retrospect. Here's one you might not see coming. The Car Bubble. People are taking out eight-year car loans. ThisĀ is - or ought to be - alarming. The automotive equivalent...

Garage OPSEC

If you're a gearhead, you've probably got a lot of stuff in your garage. Expensive stuff. Collectible cars. Bikes. Tools and equipment. There might be more value in your garage than...

Some Semantics

When language is misused, people tend to get confused. And, misled. One example of this is the way "4WD" is now being regularly used to describe that which isn't. Or rather, wasn't -...

That “Car” Fax Thing

You've probably heard about Carfax (and similar services, including AutoCheck and EpicVIN) that offer "vehicle history reports" which search state motor vehicle and insurance records using the car's vehicle identification number...

Fixed Price Car Buying?

Buying a car is kind of like buying a house in that what the seller is asking isn't necessarily what you'll be paying. There is usually a negotiation before the sale...

The Absent Economy Car

Certainly, we live in a very different world than the world of 1980, say. And part of the reason it is different is because things have changed. Yes, indeed. One of those changes...

A Lift That Works

If you like to work on cars you probably hate crawling around underneath one, trying to get at things you can't easily reach - or even see. This gets old after...
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