Home Tips/Advice


Can You Read a Sidewall?

What do all those numbers (and letters) really mean? Here's a short primer on tire-related terminology  that should help you get to know your four friends a bit better: * Contact Patch -  As...

Your “Safety” Doesn’t Matter . . .

A reader asked me about dealing with the known-to-be-dangerous - the defective - air bag in her vehicle. Since there are more than 40 million vehicles "affected," her questions - and...

People Aren’t Buying . . . Here’s Why

New car sales are down - again - for the seventh month in a row. Which means they've been slipping all year long so far. The last time it was this...

Affordable, Again . . . If You Can Afford Them

Now is a good time to buy a used car - or soon will be, again. A house, too. Both for the same reason: Rising interest rates are making it more...

Cancelling Aging Air Bags

Wrongthinkful people are being canceled left and right - mostly by the left - for hurting the feelings of the left. Air bags sometime cancel lives, whether you're on the left...

A Lift That Works

If you like to work on cars you probably hate crawling around underneath one, trying to get at things you can't easily reach - or even see. This gets old after...

The Mysteries of Mechanical Fuel Delivery

If you’re under 40 and thinking about buying a car that’s older than you are, there are some things you may not know about -  but will need to learn about...

Waterloo for the Radar Detector?

I love my V1 radar detector. It has without doubt saved me thousands that would otherwise been mulcted out of my hide by radar-trapping cops - and it has made driving...

Reader Question: A Better Car For Mom?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Clay asks: If you can scratch your head for a minute and give me your immediate thoughts on this I’ll be grateful. My...

Reader Question: Used Oil?

Heres' the latest reader question, along with my reply!  TOF asks: I like to change my own oil but it's becoming difficult to find a place to hand off the old oil...
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