

Skip These … If You Want to Save Gas

Getting a car to burn less fuel is actually pretty simple. It boils down to - make it do less work. Here are five ways to do do that - no hybrid...

Car Costs You Can (And Should) Avoid

The best expenses are those you can skip. Here are several ways to save money you don't have to spend on your car: *"Premium" gasoline - I italicize the word for a reason. It's...

Reader Question: Transit vs. Transit?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Karl asks: I have had a 1999 Suburban for the past 10 years and the engine just went out on me at 290K...

Reader Question: Overheating Exasperation?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Don asks: I'm at my wit's end with an overheating truck (2005 Tacoma). I have checked the radiator, replaced the coolant and water...

Coop in Process: Installment III

It's been a busy week - especially as regards the gathering of supplies for the coop, which I am trying to get done just in case the Coonman decrees a resumption...

The Fix It to Value Ratio

Probably the single best thing about modern cars is how long they last and how little trouble they usually give while they last. Until they break. And then it’s often time to...

Avoiding the Corn Con

It all started back in the '80s. If you're of a certain vintage, you may remember. In winter, they began to "oxygenate" - that is, adulterate - gasoline with additives such...

Reader Question: Is My Transmission a Goner?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Susie writes: On the way home from work the other day in my 2010 Crown Victoria I began to notice what feels like...

Short Circuiting The Market

Evidence continues to accrue that the Soviet Union did not disappear in 1991. It simply transplanted itself to another part of the world. Here. One of the hallmarks of the Soviet System was...

Reader Question: Highlander Engines?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! David asks: Do you have any recommendations regarding the difference in the dependability of the 2.7 L four or the 3.5 L six,...
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