Texas Hero Arrests Woman For Walking Without a License


A woman in Hamlin, Texas is fighting charges of driving without a license and expired registration after she was arrested and jailed by cops while WALKING home with groceries.angry pig picture

Wendy Robins is appealing for help with her case as she fears the police department is pursuing a vendetta against her by refusing to drop the charges.

The charges stem from the incident which took place in November. Ms Robins says she was minding her own business walking home from the local store when she was physically accosted by an officer.

“I was approached by Officer Chad Boyett a block and a half away from my home, which I own.” Robins wrote in a submission to police watchdog website Copblock.

“Officer Boyett passed me and did a U-turn at the intersection in front of me and then pulled up beside me. I continued walking as he asked me where my auto was. I told him it didn’t matter because I was walking and that I didn’t have time for this, so I was going home.” Robins added.

“He got out of his auto and ran around to me, approximately 3 feet from his auto, forcefully gripped my arm and drug me to the front of his auto. He kept asking where my auto was and stated he knew I had been driving without a license. I informed him he can’t do this and to call the Chief of Police, Bobby Evans. He said he didn’t have to call him and that he was writing me citations for driving without a license and expired registration.” she notes in the statement.

After refusing to sign the citations, Robins claims that the officer squeezed her arm so tightly that it resulted in bruising, and then cuffed her forcefully, leaving red marks. The cop also claimed that Robins was “being hostile” and that meant she was going to jail.

Robins said she yelled out to a passing driver for help. The driver stopped and became a witness to the scene, later corroborating that Robins was not in a car or anywhere near a vehicle.

“This was humiliating simply because I do not break the law, nor go to jail.” Robins writes, also noting that she did not consent to be searched by the officer.

“I told him I had a two pack lighter in my back pocket and my credit card in my front pocket, which I attempted to get for him when he slapped my hand back and said he’d get it. I stated as he slid his hand in my pocket that I’m not comfortable with him doing that and he stated I didn’t have a choice. I informed him I could say he touched my hoo hoo.” she writes.

Robins says that at no point during her arrest or transportation to jail was she told what she was being charged with. She also claims that upon her arrival at Jones County Jail, officers made jokes about the arresting officer and his tactics, with regards to the incident.

Robins was kept in jail overnight, still without being informed of the charges against her, and only found out when a judge told her.

“The judge only told me I was being charged with driving without a license and expired registration and that my bond was $500 on each charge.” she writes.

Robins filed a formal complaint and requested that audio and video of the incident be reviewed to verify she was not driving.

“I called a meeting with Chief Evans where he stated he knew I was NOT driving and I submitted my request for audio and video. The officer NEVER turned on his lights, so I knew there was no video.” Robins states. She notes that the judge informed her a few days later that he was refusing to view any video of the incident.

Robins also notes that she produced a valid license and registration for the judge, proving that even if she was driving, she had the relevant credentials.

STILL the charges were not dropped, and the case continues. The arresting officer has not been disciplined in any fashion.

“My attorney is a civil rights lawyer from Houston and is currently investigating my case. I do worry they can get to him. HELP ME GET JUSTICE.” Robins writes.



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