Hero Draws Gun on Man for Filming Him…


In his own driveway:

A California police officer drew his firearm on a man who was merely filming in his own neighborhood, in an intense moment caught on film.

The incident began last Wednesday when Rohnert Park resident Don McComas says he noticed an officer in a patrol vehicle observing him while he latched his boat onto his SUV.

“I stood up and just watched him,” McComas described. “He ever so slowly pulled away, circled the court opposite my house and then just parked facing my house. After an honest couple of minutes I pulled out my camera and pressed record.”

At the start of filming, the officer pulls into and stops in the middle of McComas’ cul-de-sac and appears to call in his license plate number.

The officer then proceeds to draw his cell phone and bizzarely begins to film McComas.

“He thinks he’s being funny now,” McComas comments.

“Go ahead and take your hand out of your pocket,” the unidentified officer upon exiting the cruiser orders McComas, who refuses saying, “No sir I’ve done absolutely nothing. No.”

The incident takes a serious turn when the officer removes his sidearm from his holster and begins approaching McComas menacingly.



“As minor as some would say it was, when I saw his gun gripped in his hand I really thought he was going to shoot me and claim my hand was in my pocket,” McComas says in the Youtube video description.

When McComas demands to know why the officer got out of his car, the officer replies, “You’re taking a picture of me, I’m taking a picture of you.”

The officer then argues he has the right to be on the sidewalk outside of the man’s house, as McComas expresses his family has been persistently harassed by police.

“What’s wrong with you, man?” the officer asks.

“Your station is corrupt,” McComas answers.

“Oh ok,” the officer says, before asking, “Are you some kind of a constitutionalist? Crazy guy or something like that?”

After cooling down, the officer walks back to his vehicle defeated, telling McComas to “go ahead and put it on Youtube.”

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  1. “Are you some kind of a constitutionalist? Crazy guy or something like that?”

    Is that profiling and discrimination, orificer? I thought there was a law against that.

  2. In R.P., the heroes and firefighters are the same. Within the county they are known for being the worst at both jobs. I read this morning that the oinker in question has been put on PAID leave. I suspect that this was his goal all along.


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