Hero Tasers Kid & Permanently Disables Him


This one’s not easy to watch:

The psychotic Hero pulls over the kid over an error – the kid literally didn’t do anything – and proceeds to brutally Tazer him, then dumps his limp/unconscious body on the pavement. CNN story – with more pictures of the kid – is here.

The Hero will go to prison – four years – where he will hopefully receive the punishment he deserves.




  1. So how many useless eaters are there in a town like Stuart, VA, I wonder?

    Latest Budget…

    Stuart council approves town budget totaling $1.6 M
    Following a public hearing May 18 at which no one spoke, the Stuart Town Council voted unanimously to approve a town budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

    The budget, which totals $1,694,500 in four categories, provides a 3% salary increase for town employees.
    That figure includes $870,300 in the general fund, $168,000 in the sanitation fund, $313,900 in the sewer fund, and $342,300 in the water fund.

    Mayor Ray Weiland said the budget for the upcoming year is about 2% higher than the current year’s budget, primarily due to anticipated increases in revenues.
    The budget does not require any increases in property taxes or utility rates, Weiland said.

    Some of the revenues projected to increase are: business licenses, from $135,000 to $140,000; franchise fees, from $74,000 to $80,000; landfill fees, from $42,000 to $48,000; Public Service Authority (PSA) fees, from $53,500 to $60,000; and salaries and wages, from $406,000 to $433,000.

    In other matters at the May 18 town council meeting:
    • Wayne Kirkpatrick, a Patrick County representative of the Dan River Basin Association (DRBA), reported that the DRBA Club at Patrick County High School had marked between 70 and 80 storm drains in the town of Stuart, and plans to finish the markers and make a map of the town’s storm drains next year.

    • Buddy Dollarhite, chief of the Stuart Volunteer Fire Department, told the council that the department needs to upgrade some of its equipment, and would like to do it without asking the town for funds.
    He said fire department members are considering trading a 1995 pumper truck for a newer and more up-to-date model.
    Dollarhite said the fire department was just looking for permission or the town’s blessing to follow that opportunity.
    “It’s a no-brainer,” Weiland said. You’re looking to upgrade without any burden to the town…You have our blessing.”

    • Town Manager Terry Tilley, Town Clerk Susan Slate, and Vice Mayor Rebecca Adcock have been looking at new Christmas decorations, and could purchase them for $9,500, which would come out of capital expenditures.

    Aren’t these “officials” nothing but needless derelicts who do nothing but bleed the town and surrounding rural areas dry? How are there “jobs” anymore real than the homeless guys who push around shopping carts all day and contribute little or nothing.

    Stuart is named for a mass murdering “hero,” big shock.

    Stuart Virginia

    Isn’t it possible to perform a parasitectomy. And separate commonweal teat-suckers and state?

    Some of the Dupes of Stuart, VA

  2. The “case” for Fred Reed being considered an asshole for some fleeting duration of time:

    It’s Us or Them – not for me it’s not

    Drudge Report, America’s thermometer – more like it’s most informative psyop

    MEXICAN FLAGS RAISED AS AMERICAN FLAG BURNS – really, we’re still supposed to care about fucking flags?

    when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences. – no they don’t need that. and no I don’t need to pay for that, or live in fear that I’ll be perceived as committing this made up crime and be caged or fined for it.

    • The “case” for Fred Reed being considered an asshole for some fleeting duration of time:

      It’s Us or Them – not for me it’s not

      Drudge Report, America’s thermometer – more like it’s most informative psyop

      MEXICAN FLAGS RAISED AS AMERICAN FLAG BURNS – really, we’re still supposed to care about fucking flags?

      when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences. – no they don’t need that. and no I don’t need to pay for that, or live in fear that I’ll be perceived as committing this made up crime and be caged or fined for it.

      My problem is with the Feral Overclass. Which includes retired military heroes like Fred Reed. Fuck him with his own flag, I wont cry if some other color of thugs fuck him with his own thug colors.

      What else is stupid. Is saluting. And marching. And getting all wet with crocodile tears when your murder hymns come over the loudspeakers and you Feral Overlords command you to get a boner at the sights and sounds of a million vietnamese getting a wood shampoo and a agent orange aerial shower. Disgusting Aliens and Predators all.

      You need to be stopped harder because yours is the ruling stupidity, Got Dam it all.

      Fred knows damn well the govts aren’t afraid of lightly armed or unarmed rabble. He knows in fact that this phenomenon is a tool of government and controllers. Fred is the worst kind of clover. The kind otherwise good men find credible and respectable. Despite all his occult blood orgies and kill fests he has under his belt.

      Somebody needs to take command to end this nonsense… Fred is openly calling for a stronger strong man straight out the Road to Serfdom, do I really have to go on reading this hit piece on individuality and right to be left the fuck alone.

      This is an appalling pile of garbage, maybe Fred is paid to write this kind of shit. I know he knows better.

      • the flags mean something. What they mean in this case is that people want to build here what they left.

        Human behavior is bizarre. They will decide that the familiar is no good and pick up and leave for where things are better for them. Then they will recreate what they left. If they miss it why not go back from where they came? It’s usually still there. Perhaps they don’t understand why they place they left wasn’t so good? That this time it will be different?

        • “why not go back from where they came?” Well, they left for a reason. They don’t want everything the same. But they still want it to feel familiar, and therefore safe.
          Of course ‘La Raza’ is also claiming that California was stolen from them, and should still be part of Mexico. But if it was, I wonder if they would be ‘illegally’ emigrating from there to somewhere else.

          • But they do make everything the same over time. They take the same actions that lead to the same outcomes. The only thing I can think if is they don’t understand cause and effect.

            If California was part of Mexico it would just be more impoverished area under that government. None of the things that were done to create California’s wealth engine would have been done under the rule of the Mexican government.

            • If we switched the North Korean government personalities for our people. There would likely be no change at all.

              In an institutional environment, personalities are subjugated to processes and seats of power. One man can’t make a difference. The best he can do is stay true to himself while under its thrall.

  3. All due respect, I mean that but…How is there any chance he’ll receive “the punishment he deserves.” Where. When. Did that ever happen. What does that even mean.

    I’m done believing in the merit of savage civility. Where in some cases we say hi to each other. Acknowledge boundaries and niceties. And then in some other circumstances. We put each other in cages. Poison each other in gas chambers. Kill each other in wars.

    Instead I hope only for civil savagery.

    In the alien versus predator movies. The alien has no civility. But the predator has a code and uses technology. He can be understood. He hunts humans for trophies, but in a rationatable way. Whereas the alien just injects his seed into human bodies to breed more of himself. There’s no level at which he can be reached mentally by us.

    Perhaps a truce could be reached, where predator only hunts humans we have designated as prisoners and criminals who are fair game to him.

    But a society run by predators in unthinkable. Just as todays supposed society run by central bankers, and police and military, is intolerable and not a society at all really.

    It’s just a front for killing and dominating and collecting trophies is all.

    This world is populated and controlled by two dominant types of savages. Hordes of aliens, who you just can’t reach. And more logical technological predators, who you can at least have limited recourse and dealings with.

    But donning different costumes and creating different nations and states of these two kinds of predators. No thanks.

    There’s no humanity in that hero to educate or punish into usefulness. He is a walking dead zombie you’re can’t just shoot in the head. But instead must always keep free of. And keep fenced out as best you can.

    Imagining some system where such brainless soulless bipeds might integrate with humanity seems pointless. They Live. You’ve seen them with the special sunglasses. There’s isn’t going to be any blowing up their matrix(slaytrix?) or other heroic fantasy.

    Stop feeding them your brains and ideas give them name rank and serial number only. Then create a name rank serial number they don’t know about it and use that invention to interface with actual humans instead of murderous costumed zombies.

    “best” cop vines

      • Good one. You almost made me drop my explosive charge.

        Predator last laugh
        (how you like Tyrone’s bedside manner, hero?)

        When the statists are like the aliens. They can live inside us for a time. But in the end they always emerge from their human dupes and kill their hosts.

        When the statists are at least like the predator.. They’re more relatable. The predator’s laugh is either a pre-recording or a mimicry of Billy’s laugh. The predator’s natural voice is only shouts and clicks.

        The more ancient nations like France, China, England, their ruling class is more like the Predators. They at least have some code and honor to them.

        The Predator sets the timer to give Dutch time to get away. His culture tells hims to destroy all evidence he was ever there. Yet he uses the timer in an obvious way so Dutch figures out he has time to flee.

        To me ghettos have more class and humanity. At least they submit to a human class of thugs. The inhuman Aliens that rule the HOA and suburban neighborhoods are disgusting inhuman vermin beyond words.

        The crew finds out one of their fellow crewmembers is an alien infested statist.

    • “But a society run by predators in unthinkable. Just as todays supposed society run by central bankers, and police and military, is intolerable and not a society at all really.”

      Very astute analysis Tor.

  4. This is more crime than his sentence since he’d just have soon killed than maimed but it’s not anything new unfortunately. Only when you can’t tell if me and the crippled wife are actually a team on a mission, her handbag has a spotting scope and our nylon chair bags contains a scoped rifle will this trend begin to abate. Picking out the ones that have clearly gotten away with murder would finally dawn on some of them or at least their handlers. Little cops running by the no-billed murderers car and tossing in a grenade VietCong style will end it.


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