Today, I will be a prophet; the passage of time will tell whether my powers are strong . . . or weak. I predict it will be necessary to level the playing field for electric cars, in order for electric cars to ever be more than heavily hyped (and heavily subsidized) curiosities driven by the virtue-signaling affluent.
Here goes!
. . .
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To continue the Deutsche Sprach theme…
Du musst Amboss oder Hammer sein
Saying all this good. People need a heads up. It is this very talk, that will definitely put it into play. Like giving them permission to do it. This is a topic to approach with caution.
Love the “Mister T” air freshener! I pity the fool who falls for all of the electric car propaganda. (Though it’s the rest of us that are going to suffer because of it.)
Hi Jason,
Glad someone noticed that! It’s not a reproduction; genuine 1986 merch!
I can’t watch your video at work but I have a strong feeling in order to retain votes this great leveling will be done by a Republican… for teh jobs and teh unions.
Saw my first all electric Audi commerical over this past weekend. What hyoe, what propaganda, what pure BS!
All know that only Elon the Electrified knows the Truth.