RI AGWs Hut! Hut! Hut! Caged Victim


Here’s video taken of an extreme Hut! Hut! Hutting! which took place inside a jail cell in Rhode Island.

The clearly not “resisting” victim can be seen – seated on his cot – attempting to shied his face and head from the SS Sturmbahhnfuhrer (whoops, state police “officer”) who is apparently annoyed by the victim’s recalcitrance.

The AGW was fired after the video made its way public – but he hasn’t been charged with a criminal offense, despite the video evidence.

AGWs who beat people up, steal – fondle the dead – are routinely held to a lesser standard of accountability than anyone not wearing a government costume.

Which says a great deal about who these government-costumed thugs really “serve.”

. . .

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  1. I knew a guy like this. The boss hired him(don’t know how he ever got a CDL). He’d been fired from the Texas prison system for beating up people. He was the softest, fattest, biggest pussy I ever saw. The very first day I worked with him he threatened me and Wild Bill my roomie. We blew it off. Then he continued with it.

    Not wanting to get into a big shitty with the law, I just gave him a nickename he had to live with or, in his words, Whoop my ass. I was so scared I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t even eat, terrified I tells you. He was 30 years old and the biggest pussy I’ve had the displeasure to work with. The only reason I didn’t beat shit out of him was because of LEO’s and them looking for a victim in those circumstances. It wouldn’t have mattered if everyone on the crew had backed up what I said, I would have still had to hire a lawyer and no telling what would have happened to me. This is a big problem these days. Somebody attacks you, you beat shit out of them and then you’re in jail. Wild Bill said I’d love to see him fight you but I don’t want to get into that legal bullshit either. I’d loved to have been able to take him out and stomp his ass into the ground. He had only been able to beat up inmates cause they would be in cuffs. I’d like to catch the soft little shit out somewhere Right Now and have my way with him. He wouldn’t like it. He most likely wouldn’t be able to say anything though…..ever.


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