
Opel to Join GM in Renting Cars Rather than Selling Them

Opel is - apparently - coming to America. But not to sell cars. It will rent them, just as its former parent company, GM, plans to do. This is The Future. It is...

Abusive Relationships

If you've ever read about abusive relationships, you already know one of the top five criteria defining such: If you try to leave me . . . I'll kill you. The relationship, in...

Top Drawer Video Rant Here

This guy tells you how you don't even get the one thing you thought you'd get by holding your nose and voting for Obama rather than McSame:

Latest Reader Qs (Sept. 20, 2017)

Here are the latest reader questions, along with my reply: Bob asks: Ran across a 1995 Saturn SC with low miles, pristine condition for sale. Bad idea? My reply: With any used car, it's condition...

CA and the Free EV

If you can't afford an EV - and you live in CA, one of several states that have all-but-banned anything that's not an EV - don't worry! CA will buy you an...

Reader Question: Car for 15-Year-old Proto Non-Clover Driver?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Sean asks: My son is turning 15 this year, which means he's going to have a learner's permit and I'll start teaching him...

Need Proof of the Reality that “False Flag” Operations Happen?

Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing Personal Statement from Kurt Haskell, Delta 253 Passenger: Every victim of a crime in Michigan is entitled to make a statement in...

Automotive Dissonance

It's interesting to consider that a man can be (and many have been) criminally charged for selling a physically harmless drug such as pot that has never killed anyone to people...

Stands With . . .

Groucho Marx said he'd never be a member of a club that would allow him to join. I feel the same way about the Uniparty - which is the only party...

Latest Reader Q (Sept. 11, 2017)

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply: Stephen asks: When we purchase new vehicles we normally keep them for 10+ years. My 2002 Tacoma was only recently retired due to getting...
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