
Check Before Your Pour … and Before You Fill!

The other day, I changed the oil/filter in one of my old cars. Because I have a small fleet of antique vehicles, as well as several "daily drivers" (plus a lot...

The Case Against Driver’s Licenses

That little plastic laminated card you've got in your wallet or purse - you know, the state's permission slip for operating a motor vehicle? Ever stop to reflect how peripheral the...

The Not-Disposable Bike

Just as there was a sweet spot for cars - a moment in time when they were just modern enough to start perfectly every time, never stall, last almost forever and...


The nice thing about buffets is you get to pick what you want and how much of it. Buying a car was once a lot like that. The car, itself, was just...

Do America’s political leaders also worship Kim Jong Il?

This is good stuff! Do America’s political leaders also worship Kim Jong Il? By Mike Adams As it turns out, there may be more in common between North Korea and the United States than...

Latest Radio: Real News w/David Knight 03/06/2024

Here's the audio (and video!) of my talk earlier today with David Knight, host of Real News With David Knight. We talked about OrangeMan and "our democracy," as well as the...

How Far You Won’t Go

While test driving the new Mercedes GLE 450 (you can read about that, here) I glanced down at the instrument cluster and noticed something you might be interested in. The Benz is...

Monkey Paw

Gotta grind the organ again and do my little dance with the tin cup . . . we are a little low again this month so far and that's why. See...

Reader Question: The Rental Car Nanny?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks: Yesterday I drove a rented Elantra from Charlotte up to Harrisonburg, Va. It's a five hour ride. After about three and...

Cadillac Sedan deVille, 1956-1984

Nowadays, all the really big sedans are foreign-made: Bentleys, Rolls-Royces, Daimler Maybachs. It is a sign of the decline of the once-magnificent American Land Yacht, whose sole surviving exemplar as of...
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