
Reader Question: The Fiero?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Paul asks: What do you think about the Pontiac Fiero? My reply: The Fiero's story is a tragedy on par with anything Shakespeare came...

The Other Shoe Drops

We are told that replacing the cars and trucks we have with battery-powered devices that cost more and weigh a lot more and that entail using up more natural resources is...

Tesla’s $1.5 Billion Junk Bond Juggernaut

Crony capitalist electric car company Tesla announced this week its plan to raise about $1.5 billion in junk bon offerings to fund production of its newest electric sedan, the Model 3. The debt...

Party Time! Excellent! 1975–1980 AMC Pacer

Wayne’s World immortalized the AMC Pacer,  a car which defined the 1970s even more than a Bee Gees 8-track, the “Farrah” hairstyle, or the leisure suit. In fact, wearing a leisure...

What Killed Chrysler?

The news may come today - but it won’t be a surprise: Chrysler’s going the way of Plymouth. Maybe Dodge, too. They are not right for the times and it would...

Quadrajet Metering Rod Trick

One of the more intimidating aspects of tuning a Rochester Quadrajet carburetor is getting the air horn back on without damaging the primary metering road assembly, which must be seated as...

A Fraud Exposed

Here's an excellent video that was brought to my attention by several EPautos readers. It was made in Germany by DW, and is worth your time to watch. It details the...

AGW Says “In This Age of Active Shooters”

The law takes a back seat. Well, the armed government worker doesn't say that, of course. Armed government workers consider themselves to be the law. Whatever they say - submit and obey! So,...

Reader Question: Hydraulic Hybrids?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Michael asks: If saving fuel is important, why are hydraulic-hybrids not in use? Just curious for your opinions on that idea. My reply: The premise is...

Cleaning Up

One thing you can still do yourself is wash your car. And just as you used to be able to save a lot of money by working on your car, it’s possible...
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