
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

A Reader Writes: On The Passing of an Archon

A reader writes about the passing of one of the Supreme Court's nine Archons - who get to decree what is and isn't "constitutional," often in plain defiance of what is...

Reader Question: Unplugging ASS?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Crissie asks: Is it legal to permanently disable things like ASS and Lane Keep Assist? I don't want either of these and consider...

Reader Question: Taking Advantage?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Tom asks: This is probably not nice but we're living in a not-nice world that may become Mad Max world, every man for...

Reader Question: BTUs and EVs?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! David asks: Has anyone every published energy economy comparisons for vehicles based on BTUs/mile? This would make it easy to compare EVs with...

Kentucky Heroes “Lock Down” Bar

"You have the right to shut up," aggressive beverage cops told innocent customers during the search. LOUISVILLE, KY — Beverage control enforcers performed a surprise raid on a popular dive bar, detained...

Reader Question: Riding Dirty?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Chan asks: What do you think about using a car tire on a motorcycle? I've read about people doing this as a way...

VW Doing Exactly The Wrong Thing

...I'll have a rant about this shortly. Meanwhile, note bolded portions:  BERLIN (Reuters) -- Scarred by a public relations thrashing over its diesel emissions cheating scandal, Volkswagen is planning an image offensive,...

Night in jail for fleeing from aggressive non-uniformed cops.

Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for U.Va. student BY K. BURNELL EVANS Charlottesville Daily Progress When a half-dozen men and a woman in street clothes closed in on University of Virginia student...

Routinizing The Police State

Police impose checkpoints, deploy drones at high school football game SUMMERVILLE, SC — Fans were startled by the heavy presence of police officers, drone surveillance, and warrantless checkpoints upon entry at the...
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