
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Reader Question: Talking to AGWs?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Mark asks: I sent my brother three videos about why you never talk to the cops. I sent him the Regent Law School...

Reader Question: Cat Delete?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Allison asks: I'm a female so this may be an unexpected question but here goes: What do you think about removing a car's...

Reader Question: Car Storage in Summer?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Jeffrey asks: This summer there’s a possibility that I will be away from home for a couple of months. Home is very hot...

Reader Question: Yellowed Headlights?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Casey asks: My car's headlights look like my old dog's eyes. They're all clouded up and yellow! Is there any way to fix this...

Elon Mocks SEC

The deterrent effect of Elon Musk's $20 million wrist slap for securities fraud was revealed yesterday, when the PT Barnum of our time let fly 15 Tweets in less than five...

Henrico, VA Heroes Don’t Like it When You Ignore Them

Here's a video taken by a guy whose "crime" was refusal to speak when ordered to by a Henrico, VA Hero:

Reader Question: Planes, Trains and Electric Cars?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! John writes: My niece recently moved from San Francisco to Chicago, with her Tesla. She is a registered Pharmacist working for Walgreen's. Pharmacists...

Reader Question: Frankie?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Zane asks: First of all, happy new year Eric, as I probably won't get a chance to say it directly anytime soon. I...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show

Here's the audio from yesterday's chat with Bill Meyer in Oregon. We talked about the latest slew of lawsuits directed VW's way as well as the slow-motion implosion of Telsa:   . ....

July’s Six Pack of Oil Winner!

The winner of July's six quarts of AMSOIl is Jeremy, for the capital post he submitted just a few days ago. This one stood out among a sea of superlative others...
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