
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

The Rube Goldberg “Solution”

Here's a look at how FCA - Ram - is dealing with the federal fuel efficiency fatwas that threaten to kill off big trucks and pretty much everything that isn't a...

“Overly Aggressive” AGW

Here's local news coverage of an "overly aggressive" AGW - who finally got fired after fifteen complaints in less than a year. And video evidence of his "aggressive" behavior. One wonders why...

Undercover Oakland Heroes Pull Guns On Citizens

An undercover cop in Oakland pulled out a gun and pointed it at protesters Wednesday night after they exposed him and a partner as police officers attempting to incite crime. The shocking...

Reader Question: Classic Firebird?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: I listen to you on KMED and sometimes the David Knight show. I share your affinity for the Firebird, I had...

Reader Question: Mustang II?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Mike asks: I caught your lengthy reply to the guy who asked about old Trans-Ams and am wondering what you think about the...

Today’s Clover: The Glacial Accelerator

Here's today's Clover - the Glacial Accelerator. This Clover doesn't just proceed cautiously. He (or she) never proceeds. This one creeped forward from a stop sign onto a secondary highway posted 55...

Reader Question: Trade-in Issues?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Bill asks: Thank you so much for you very useful and informative remarks (in reply to the earlier question about the new Corvette; see...

A Decent AGW

Here's a video of that increasingly rare thing - an AGW who doesn't Hut! Hut! Hut! A man in Texas is open carrying, which is legal - but various hysterics "called in"...

CA Heroes Shoot (and Kill) Teen Over Burnout

  Around 3:20pm on Saturday Fresno police claim they were responding to a call about a person walking with a rifle. During their manhunt, they noticed Dylan Noble doing a burnout in his...

Latest Reader Question (Jan. 17, 2018)

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! David asks: What is your opinion of the Kia Optima?  Is this a good used car buy in either hybrid or standard form? Is...
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