

All two-wheeled-related. Anything about bikes and riding.

The Electric Crack Pipe

I never "took" drugs - but I increasingly feel as though I'm the only one who's not on the pipe. In the June issue of Cycle World, there's a friendly article about...

Bikes Like They Used To Make ‘Em . . . Again!

People get into bikes for many reasons, but probably two of the big ones are fun - and affordability. The fun is directly proportional to the affordability, too. A bike you...

The Test Ride . . . And How to Get One

One of the weird things about buying a new motorcycle is buying it before you've actually ridden it. This happens a lot with bikes. It almost never happens with a car...

Air-Cooled vs. Water-Cooled

Most of us haveĀ  a preference for one - or the other. I own - and have owned - numerous examples of both types. There are pros - and cons - either...

Retro review: 1983 Honda Nighthawk CB550

What makes a bike memorable? That it's fast? Maybe - but not necessarily. A buddy of mine owned a first-year Honda Interceptor VFR1000. The whir of gear driven cams - and 125...

Mouse Makes Home in KL250 Air Box

Just before "Winter Storm Pax" (someone hand me a ball peen hammer so I can bash in the skull of the cretin who came up with the idea of giving a...

Winter Bike Survival

None of my bikes have left the garage in more than a month now. Single digit temperatures - and lots of gravel on the roads - have seen to that. But I...

Why Ride?

I've never worn colors (not having earned them) but I do ride - and because of this, I believe I share kinship on a fundamental with the 1 percenters. They get...

Under The Wire

Do you - does anyone - doubt for a moment that if motorcycles were a new invention, they'd never be allowed? Try to imagine the presentation to the Department of Transportation. Inventor: I...

Bad Times . . . Basic Bikes

If times get tough, getting around will likely become a major challenge. Gas may only be sporadically available - in addition to being unaffordable. Imagine, for instance, what might have happened...
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