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As We Say Not As We Do

As axiomatic with government - that is to say, the people with titles and badges and guns who are "the government" - there is an interesting double standard with regard to...

“Pro,” “IQ” and “Smart”

To understand what those who are destroying everything that once worked in this country mean when they say something, automatically translate it to mean its opposite. In the context of cars, consider...

Safety vs. Saaaaaaafety

Driving a car that has loose lug nuts is always unsafe. No one in their right mind would knowingly do it. Driving a car that might not hold up as well as a...

Ram Channels Cher

What if you could turn back time - to 2008 - and buy a brand-new half-ton truck like they used to make them? One without the "assistance" and other "technologies" that...

Another $200 “For The Children”

Well, here we go - again. You can expect your next new car to cost at least another $160-$200 more than it otherwise would - now that back-up cameras are about...

Five Stupid Traffic Laws

 Here are a few current laws that ought to be on the other end of a piece of payin' paper for a change: * No right on red - This is a form...

Diapered AGW Attacks Man for “Walking off Trail”

Video has surfaced of an armed and Diapered government worker attacking a man for walking his dog "off trail" in New Mexico. According to news reports, Darrell House - a former Marine...

CA and the Free EV

If you can't afford an EV - and you live in CA, one of several states that have all-but-banned anything that's not an EV - don't worry! CA will buy you an...

A Republican is Born

Trump may yet win. After all, the Chimp did. Twice. Bear this in mind. Then again, Trump was not running as a Republican. Until now. Which may just cost him the election. Americans don’t want Chester the...

We’re “Covered” – But We’re Broke….

Insurance - over-insurance, excessive insurance, really - is arguably one of the reasons why so many people are having trouble making ends meet. When you add up homeowner's insurance, health insurance, car...
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