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The Cat Fish

Ford is having some trouble with its names. Or its memory. It named a five-door crossover SUV a “Mustang” Mach-E. And now it has bestowed the Maverick name on something that isn’t a...

Your Money’s No Good – On The Roads, That Is…

It says on our Fed Funny Money that "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." Except for paying tolls on government roads. In which case, it's not. They won't...

Why Did They Outlaw Lightbulbs?

As of a couple of days ago, it is illegal for retail stores to sell lightbulbs. Well, incandescent lightbulbs. The reason for this is simple. They are inexpensive. And that is always a...

An EV Question That Ought to be Answered

Here is a simple question about EVs that deserves an answer: Why is it that they were replaced - by the free market - the first time around? The question contains the...

Sexual Assault is a Crime … Except Sometimes

Sexual assault is a crime… except when it’s done by an armed government worker (that is, a law enforcer). How else to describe the horror visited on a South Dakota man named...

Sgt. Schultz says…

Say nothing... nothing! To cops, ever. Anything you say can and will be held against you. Remember that? You ought to. Even if you haven't been formally arrested (merely "detained," as in the case of...

Civilian “Generals”

You may have seen the picture of the Texas sheriff who denounced Hombre Naranja's efforts to get control of the border. But did you see the general's stars on the collar...

Minding Your Mood

Memory seats are nice. But how about mood minders? In-car sensors that assess your state of mind via eye movements, facial expressions, gestures - even your rising (or falling) heartbeat -...

Public Roads as Tesla’s Private Test Track

Logic - let alone reasonableness - is not one of government’s stronger suits. There are many examples of this, but here’s a newsie one: The use of public roads as test...

Our Christian Nation

Americans - well, a vocal portion of Americans, at least - likes to style itself as more than usually upright and moral. The "family values" schtick. Republicans especially eat this up...
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