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Colorado Embraces EV Tar Baby

Colorado has become the 13th state - plus the District of Columbia - to embrace the fatuously titled "zero emissions" electric car tar baby. This will " . . . protect the...

Seepage Part II

EVs have a seepage problem. They lose charge (and so, range) when they're not in use, if they're not plugged in while they're not in use. It is a problem I've personally experienced...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show: 09/05/2023

Here's the audio of this week's talk with my friend Bryan Hyde, host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! We talked about the return of the Fauchi - and "masking"...

Solo Diapering

The following video shows that intelligence and affluence do not necessarily correlate: A Diaper and gloves. Alone in his Porsche - which might get him sick, apparently. This is the apotheosis of Sickness...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 12/17/19

Here's the audio of my chat earlier today with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty show in Utah!

AZ Taxpayers Liable for AGW’s Serial Raping

One of the reasons there's an AGW Problem is that armed government workers are never held personally accountable for their atrocities. Imagine Hitler in the dock - had he been in...

Diaper Report 3/28/22

Have you ever wondered how all those people who were heavily pressured to get Jabbed (or get fired) are feeling now that most people aren’t being pressured to get Jabbed, at...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Wrongthink Show 9/15/20

Here's the audio of my weekly chat with Bryan Hyde, fellow Wrongthinker and host of the Bryan Hyde Show in Utah! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or...

Maybe The Third Time Will be The Charm

Here's local news affiliate coverage of a Buffalo, NY armed government worker named Corey Krug - on trial for use of excessive force for the third time. He has been accused...

Is it Just Luck?

In late 2019 - prior to the Official Pandemic - I caught a respiratory bug that was unlike any I've had before. It did not make me bed sick. But it...
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