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Everyday Preps

When people talk about "preps" they're usually talking about things like ammunition and food - both of which, obviously, are good things to keep handy in the event the SHTF. But,...

A Millennial Moment

There is something worse than a generation gap. There is a worldview gap. My generation - Generation X - was the last pre-computer generation and the last generation to reach adulthood before...

Don’t Forget to Remember

When you're down, it's time to get out. I remembered this important axiom of mental health yesterday. Or rather, I was reminded of it, by my girlfriend - who gently suggested we...

Latest Radio: Bryan Hyde Show 12/22/20

Here's the audio of this week's chat with fellow Wrongthinker Bryan Hyde! . . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click on the "ask Eric"...

Jab This

To all those who regard me and other people who have chosen not be injected as "selfish" or "stupid" or "reckless": Get therapy. I am not sick. I have never been sick,...

Let’s Enforce The Law

If it's really wrong - ethically indefensible - to "speed," then why not enforce speed limits to the letter? The law doesn't spot shoplifters one pocketful of stolen stuff before action...

Necessary Obloquy

Why does "masking" - as this evil imbecility is styled - persist, even in the absence of coercion? Unlike a year ago, almost no one is being told they must "mask."...

Tomorrow’s (S)election

What was it Bill Murray's character chanted in Meatballs? It just doesn't matter. Or rather, it might - but not for the obvious reasons. Either way, the country will have an authoritarian corporatist...

First, They Lied About the Range . . .

There is a creepy consanguinity between the marketing and selling of the "masks" and then "vaccines" - and the marketing and selling of electric vehicles. It makes you wonder whether there...

If You Can’t Find a Place to Park . . .

There's no point driving into the city if there's no place to park. It's also hard to leave the city - in a car - if you can't keep one there. And...
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