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Enforcers Who Punish

Here's a little rant about armed government workers punishing people... something only the courts are supposed to do. After they convict you of something.

The Evils of the Automatic

It's easy to get suckered by the convenient. We're all susceptible. It is human nature to take the path of least resistance. This is the nature of the subtle evil that is...

Electric Seppuku

You have probably watched a samurai movie - and know about Seppuku. Ritual suicide to avoid the shame of being dishonored - particularly by defeat in war. VW is in the process...

Latest Radio: David Knight Show 5/28/22

Here's the audio of my chat with David Knight the other day; we got into a number of things, among them how electric cars don't say you money (or the Earth)!...

We Name Things We Love

When someone says they once owned a Corvair - or a Corvette - a story almost invariably ensues, prompted by fond or at least some memories about the car.  These often...

The Fix is In

Well, it's coming. Since most people aren't buying an EV - for all the obvious reasons - it will be necessary to get rid of the vehicles they're driving. The ones they...

Why They’re Hated

Video has surfaced of another violent Hut! Hut! Hutting! - this one performed by a Virginia armed government worker over . . . an out of date safety inspection sticker. According to...

Kill People, No Problem… Just Don’t “Cheat” Uncle

A VW engineer may be going to prison - and has already been professionally (and probably personally) ruined… for having “cheated” the EPA. Which is like expelling a picked-on kid who...

Apocalypse Avoided?

If this one thing happens, electing Trump will have been worth the bother. It's actually two things. Trump's EPA will be "revisiting" the Obama EPA's last-minute fuel efficiency and emissions fatwas, hurriedly ululated...

No Net Driving

Why take off the training wheels? Ever? Wouldn't it be "safer" to leave them on - even after the kid learned how to ride the bike without them? It would help prevent the...
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