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The Drug Whisperers

You may have heard about people getting speeding tickets not based on the reading of a radar gun or other instrument subject to empirical verification but solely on the basis of...

If You Voted for It

Did you vote to pay $5 for a gallon of gas? You're already paying 15 percent more than that, actually - since the buying power of a dollar has declined by...

“Catching a Cold”

Remember when people just caught colds - and that's all there was to it? They didn't think it was maybe something more. Didn't rush to the doctor's office to "get tested." Only...

Mazda’s Solution That Works . . . If Uncle Will Allow It

If you were counting calories, would you exclude the deep-fried shell of the taco you’re planning to eat? Probably not - unless you weren’t really counting calories. What has this to do with...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED 8/25/21

Here's the audio of this week's chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon! We talked about how great the Mazda Miata is - how connected it is, just...

It’s the Dose . . . Not the Source

Did you happen to see the picture of the electric car "fast" charger being charged by the diesel generator? It's Kodachrome evidence of the Moon-baying lunacy of this whole Electro-Kool Aid...

The Decline and Fall of Automotive Journalism

"Mainstream" - that is, corporate - journalism died when it was bought, as by the drug cartels (Kudos, Woody Harrelson). Car journalism fell victim to the same forces, which homogenized journalists,...

Locked Out is the New Locked Down

Last year, they “locked down” the country, so as to condition the populace to living as prisoners within their own homes - like lower-tier criminals similarly allowed, just sans the ankle...

The Second Income Tax

One of the reasons people haven't got much money anymore is probably due to the fact that the insurance mafia takes more and more of it all the time. Using the government...

The Case Against Driver’s Licenses

That little plastic laminated card you've got in your wallet or purse - you know, the state's permission slip for operating a motor vehicle? Ever stop to reflect how peripheral the...
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