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The Same Clover All Over!

Here's another video of the same Clover I video'd slow-moving (and impeding) three days ago! Holy Matrix, Batman! . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click...

A Not Ludicrous EV

Electric cars can make sense - when they’re not made nonsensical by trying to directly compete with non-electric cars, which current technology doesn't permit but which the various mandates and subsidies...

What The Declaration Should Have Declared

I’ve long admired the beauty of the Declaration’s language; my only editorial issue with it is that property rights weren’t clearly articulated. Life and Liberty, certainly. The Pursuit of Happiness. All...

NM AGW Hut! Hut! Huts! Good Samaritan

Here's a video in support of the late Will Grigg's sage advice to never call an armed government worker. 57-year-old Dametrio Maldonado came across the scene of an accident and made the...

Latest Radio: Bill Meyer Show/KMED Oregon 3/4/20

Here's the audio of yesterday's chat with Bill Meyer over at KMED radio in Oregon!   . . . Got a question about cars, Libertarian politics - or anything else? Click on the...

The Apotheosis of Cloverism!

What makes a Clover a Clover? It isn't slow driving . . . per se. It is the use of your slow-moving car to make sure others drive slow, too. Observe,...

Nonconsent Addendum

A reader responded to my recent rant about the Nonconsent of the Governed, noting that "there has been no plebiscite on the 'Constitution for the United States of America' by the...

Another Kid-Diddling AGW

A Missouri armed government worker named Brandon Michael Hopper has been caught - and actually charged with - the creation and dissemination of kiddie porn. This AGW really wanted to be around...

The Nonconsent of the Governed

The urban-rural problem waxes; it is like a bad marriage and the only solution is a divorce. But while the rural "man" would happily leave the marriage on reasonable terms and...

AGW Loses Job for Unofficial Submission Training

An armed government worker has been caught administering Submission Training off-the-clock and has been fired and charged (for once). Whether this AGW receives the usual discount remains to be seen. What's known...
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