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Turn Your Back This Fourth of July

In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing...

Americans Hate Freedom

I read the other day that overwhelming majorities of Americans support federal fuel economy mandates: 77 percent of Republicans and 92 percent of Democrats, according to a recent poll (see here)....

Sanity is Not Statistical . . . But it is Uncommon

Sanity still exists, it's just not consistently applied. For instance, consider marriage. It is generally agreed that it ought to be voluntary - that both parties should be mutually consenting. And not...

You Must Now Say “FiF”

Scratch the 5th amendment off the list along with the 1st, 2nd and 4th, 8th, 9th and 10th. Before you read my comments, please read the following quote regarding this SC ruling: "In...

Another Car We Can’t Buy

Here's another car you can't buy because of government rigmarole - the Ford Kuga. Well, not quite. You can buy the vehicle - it's sold as the Ford Escape in this country....

I’d Like A Refund, Please

You've heard about "class action" lawsuits. A group of people who've all suffered a common harm at the hands of a single offender get together and sue jointly for damages. I...

The Next Mandate You’ll Be Paying For: Brake Assist

Do you feel the need for a car that brakes for you? Are you interested in paying more for a car that brakes for you? Apparently, the National Highway Traffic Safety...

One Thing Leads to Another

Kevin Bailey, 22, got into a fatal shootout with Solon, Ohio cops the other day. It all began over a minor traffic violation - failure to signal before changing lanes. Once...

GM’s $9,800 Car . . . The One We’re Not Allowed to Buy

How much is the EPA and DOT costing you? One way to quantify this is to consider a car GM builds - but which you can't buy. Well, not unless you move...

Bring Amberlamps

You may remember the viral video, "Epic Beard Man" - in which an old bearded guy was assaulted by a street thug and proceeded to teach the thug a lesson. The...
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