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Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety First! . . . Again

If you've ever wondered why it was so easy to get so many people to Stay Home - and "mask up" - when ordered to by government Safety Nannies, go for...

Texas AGW Indicted for Murder

A Farmers Branch, TX armed government worker has been indicted for the murder of Juan Moreno, who was gunned down by Michael Dunn - who previously "served" as an AGW in...

Plug in – and pay up?

Will plug-in hybrids save us from $3 per gallon fill-ups - or at least, ease the pain a little? The hype about these vehicles - which differ from the current crop of...

Strategic Debt?

Normally, it is wise to live not just within but below your means. To try to spend less than you earn, in order to be able to save. In order to be...

Nonconsent Addendum

A reader responded to my recent rant about the Nonconsent of the Governed, noting that "there has been no plebiscite on the 'Constitution for the United States of America' by the...

Diaper Report 4/24/21

Most people don't buy things they don't need - unless they want them. The difference being a necessity vs. an indulgence. Almost no one needs the "vaccine" being hard-sold to almost everyone. This...

The Thing’s New Rule

The Biden Thing has just “ruled” - at least it used the right word - that all new cars that aren’t electric cars will average 55 miles-per-gallon by four years from...

Fixing The Cop Problem

That we have a Cop Problem is obvious. How to fix it, not so much. The problem - a chunk of it, at any rate - derives from an overweening postmodern concern for...

You’re in Good Hands With Elon

Imagine if your insurance company knew about it immediately every time you drove faster than any speed limit, anywhere. That you failed to come to a complete dead stop at every...

Choice Antipathy

A long, long, time ago - none apparently remember - people could decide to buy an electric car if that’s what they wanted and weren’t punished if they didn’t want one....
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