
How to be “Sustainable”

The metric for success in the car business used to be whether your cars sold well. If they did, you made money and stayed in business. The new metric is “sustainability” -...

Elon’s “Compelling” New Offer

Elon Musk has just announced he's going into the insurance business with Liberty Mutual - a partnership as natural as the getting-together over coffee of the Gambinos and Columbos. They're really going...

2019 BMW 3 Series

Is a Three with a four enough? It's actually more. And in more than one way. The first way is much more power from the rebooted Three's now-standard 255 horsepower turbo'd four -...

Replacement Revenue . . . And So Much More!

If it’s no longer possible to “speed” - if cars become automated and drivers become passengers - won’t the government lose all the money it currently mulcts from “speeding” drivers? Of course...

Samizdat America

America is now at the Samizdat stage. For those not hip, Samizdat refers to the underground press in the old Soviet Union. The government had almost total control over public discourse; today, it’s private corporations....

Egg Meets Chicken

It is apparently a high-order skill to keep a car within its travel lane; to drive without swaying across the double yellow into the opposing lane (where there is hopefully no...


Speech codes are no fun when they're used to stifle thought. But they can be fun when you're in on the lingo's meaning and others aren't - especially when those others...

2019 Ford Ranger

The name’s the same - but a lot has changed since Ford last sold a Ranger pick-up in the United States. For openers, the new Ranger is mid-sized; the old Ranger (last...

Riding Dirty Daydreams

Lately I have been giving serious thought to "riding dirty" - without insurance. Just cancelling all of it. The savings would be considerable - equivalent to eliminating my monthly electric bill as...

Perpetual Payments

New cars are becoming so unaffordable people are going to subscribe to them in the future. The idea is perpetual payments - for everything. The car, plus insurance and maintenance - all...
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