
Where’s Our Cut?

You’ve probably seen people driving around in cars covered over - “wrapped” - with advertisements for some service or product and wondered how much the owner got paid to allow his...

Cycle Therapy

There are sound, practical reasons for owning a motorcycle that transcend fantastic gas mileage and low buy-in cost. I speak of the therapeutic aspects of motorcycle ownership. Knowing you have one; that it’s...

Veal Calves

You have probably read about the younger crowd being more interested in their cell phones than in cars. The statistic most often cited in support of this claim - which is...

MOCs and Conceptual Thinking

When someone does something wrong, punish everyone who hasn’t done it yet. This is the new American legal doctrine - which seems to be based on the very old doctrine expressed by...

2019 Mercedes G63

A Corvette getting to 60 in 3.7 seconds is kind of meh at this point. A Mustang GT can almost do the same. It’s just not that big of a deal anymore....

The Me Too Camera

Brett Kavanaugh is lucky he didn’t get a red light camera ticket. When you get one of these in the mail, you haven’t merely been accused. You’ve already been processed. There is...

How to be “Sustainable”

The metric for success in the car business used to be whether your cars sold well. If they did, you made money and stayed in business. The new metric is “sustainability” -...

Elon’s “Compelling” New Offer

Elon Musk has just announced he's going into the insurance business with Liberty Mutual - a partnership as natural as the getting-together over coffee of the Gambinos and Columbos. They're really going...

2019 BMW 3 Series

Is a Three with a four enough? It's actually more. And in more than one way. The first way is much more power from the rebooted Three's now-standard 255 horsepower turbo'd four -...

Replacement Revenue . . . And So Much More!

If it’s no longer possible to “speed” - if cars become automated and drivers become passengers - won’t the government lose all the money it currently mulcts from “speeding” drivers? Of course...
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