

Donations have almost completely dried up. This is not your problem, I realize. But it's a serious problem for Though we have a six figure audience - averaging about 100,000 "unique...

EPA Mandates How Much Gas You Must Buy

The government can force you to buy health insurance - so why not gas, too? The EPA has just issued another mandate - this one requiring that people who buy gas...

Orange Man and Franco

Francisco Franco - the caudillo of Spain - understood that you cannot reason with communists. You cannot persuade or mollify them. You can only stop them. And he did. It will probably take...

But What About the Roads?

But what about the roads?  Anyone who has tried to advocate for a libertarian society - i.e., a society in which coercion is the fundamental crime - has heard this refrain. Its...

The Jab That Cleaves

Many of us have parted ways with friends - or so we thought they were - of long-standing over the "masking" ritual that became the overt symbol of the weaponized hypochondriac...

Big Mike is Coming . . .

It's becoming pretty clear that Sleepy Joe is about to get the heave-ho. He's served out his usefulness. He's becoming an obvious liability. There's only so much that can be done...

Diaper Defiance is Spreading

In Spain, they're not only taking off their Face Diapers, they're standing up to police who are trying to enforce Face Diapering. There was a huge rally of the Undiapered in...

It May Be More Than Just a Fender Bender

If someone bumps your car from behind, be advised - it might be more than just a fender bender. It could be the prelude to something much worse. Apparently, there has been...

Embracing Disposability

Americans who lived through the Great Depression of the 1930s - which lasted into the 1940s - learned through hard necessity about the value of frugality. About not wasting money on...

Well, She Won… Now We May All Lose

Heather Peters (no relation to this writer) just won her lawsuit against Honda over what she argued were misleading claims about the gas mileage she'd get out of her then-new 2006...
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