Colorado Hero Caught Perjuring Himself

Yesterday (June 21st), I went down to Boulder City, a small town just south of Las Vegas, to attend a hearing for a man who had been arrested during a Revenue Generation event that the Boulder City police were holding.

John Hunt had been charged with “Failing to Yield as a Pedestrian” and “Resisting Arrest.” However, in reality he was arrested for interfering with their ability to generate revenue by extorting drivers.

In the end, it actually took longer to make the 25 mile trip from Vegas to the Boulder City Municipal Court than the court appearance lasted.

John Hunt’s lawyer, Stephen Stubbs had prepared a motion to have the case dismissed on Constitutional grounds. However, the prosecutor beat him to the punch and filed his own motion to dismiss all of the charges.

The reason for that decision was that Sergeant John Glenn had illegally arrested hunt and in the process had lied on a sworn statement within the police report to justify the arrest. According to Stubbs, the real reason for the DA’s quick dismissal was because they knew Sgt. Glenn had lied and that his lies were contradicted on video. So the prosecutor did the “smart thing” and dismissed the case to prevent any further liability for the city.

Hunt has since (Wed. morning) filed a criminal perjury complaint against Glenn, based on the lies he wrote in the arrest report. As Stephen Stubbs states in the video, which includes surveillance video from a nearby business, Sgt. Glenn fabricated several statements within the arrest report.

The main substance of the perjury charge is that Sgt. Glenn confronted hunt for interfering with their operation, which was really intended, to generate tickets, not based on safety. Then he arrested him for “resisting arrest” when Hunt didn’t stop to talk to him.

However, after he arrested him for resisting arrest, Glenn had to come up with an initial reason for the arrest that Hunt was accused of resisting. So he made up several details within the arrest report about what Hunt was doing while crossing the street multiple times at the crosswalk. included in those imaginary details was a claim that Hunt had been hit by one of the cars.

On June 8, 2016, the Boulder City Police Department, along with the Mesquite Police Department, and the Nevada Highway Patrol were doing a crosswalk “sting” operation. This consisted of  having one of their officers step into the crosswalk, then they ticketed drivers who did not stop for them. Meanwhile, Hunt was heading to get his car serviced at a nearby shop and ended up being one of the people stopped.

Feeling that the crosswalk operation was unfair to drivers because the police officer entering the crosswalk was purposely waiting until cars were going the full speed limit (35 mph) and also too close to the crosswalk to stop in time, Hunt decided to contest it.

According to Stubbs, because he objected to the fairness of the crosswalk sting, John Hunt decided to make a political statement by legally crossing the street in the cross walk while the cars were traveling at a slower, reasonable speed. This was a harmless and legal political protest of what Mr. Hunt saw as an unfair law enforcement trap.

In addition, Stubbs points out:

“Please note that, in Officer John Glenn’s Dash Cam video at 14:03-14:12, Officer Glenn admits that he knew that John Hunt was making a political statement by walking across the street in the cross-walk.” (That dash cam video is embedded below.)

In spite of knowing full well that John Hunt was making a political statement, Sgt. John Glenn wrongfully arrested John Hunt for “resisting arrest” to stop him from making this political statement. Then, because it is unlawful to arrest someone for resisting arrest without the person being arrested for some underlying charge, Glenn fabricated a false and fictitious Declaration of Probable Cause (under penalty of perjury) in an attempt to justify his actions.

John Hunt was subsequently wrongfully arrested for “Failing to Yield as a Pedestrian” (NRS 484B.283) and “Resisting Arrest” (NRS 199.280.3). He spent a day in jail, as a result of that arrest.

Fortunately for Hunt, a local business on that street captured Hunt’s crossing of the street on their security cameras and Hunt’s father was able to acquire a copy of it. (Also Embedded below) Instead of it being just Hunt’s word against a Magic Uniform wearing police officer’s version of events, there was now solid and full visual evidence of what exactly happened. And that evidence showed that Sgt. John Glenn was a liar.

In a public statement after Hunt filed the perjury charges, Stubbs detailed those lies:

Upon review of the security footage, it is clear that Officer John Glenn completely lied on his Declaration of Probably Cause (under penalty of perjury). The most-relevant, fictitious portion of John Glenn’s Declaration of Probable Cause is as follows:

  • “As the decoy was waiting to cross from the McDonalds side of the highway, I observed a subject step out into the crosswalk from the McDonalds side without looking to see if there was traffic coming. The vehicle in the #2 lane was able to stop however the vehicle in the #1 lane had to slam on its brakes and skid to a stop before hitting the subject.”Officer Glenn’s Declaration of Probable Cause and Detention, Lines 5-10.

 The security footage clearly shows that the vehicles were moving well under the 35 mph speed limit, and John Hunt legally cross the street in the cross-walk while the vehicles safely yielded to John Hunt. The security footage further shows that the vehicle in the #1 lane did not slam on its brakes, skid to a stop, nor hit John Hunt. Officer John Glenn clearly lied in his report under penalty of perjury.

Sgt. John Glenn Officer of the Year

Employee of the Year

Incidentally, Sgt. John Glenn isn’t just any run of the mill patrol officer level Hero. He’s the number two officer on the Boulder City Police Department, second only to the police chief. In fact, he’s served as the interim police chief for Boulder City twice after police chiefs Thomas Finn and Bill Conger were fired or forced to resign over misconduct.

In 2013, Sgt. Glenn was even named the “Employee of the Year” for Boulder City. The photo to the right is of his big day when he received that award from David Fraser, the city manager of Boulder City. (Glenn is on the right in the photo.)

In case you’re keeping score at home, that equals the previous two police chiefs in Boulder City being forced out amid (separate) scandals. Plus, the award winning number two cop in the city, who has stepped in both times as the chief of police while their replacements were been sought facing perjury charges.


  1. I would laugh my ass off if the next news out of Boulder City was that Glenn got his dumb ass run over by another coptard in an unmarked car while trying to pull off that same sting again.

  2. The DA mostly likely dropped this case more to protect the hero from prosecution then to prevent an injustice. As you can see that DA didn’t do anything to charge the cop with anything.


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