Plandemic Fitness


Let’s face the facts – the weaponization of hypochondria has done some good.

For one thing, it has shown us how weak-minded and mean-spirited many of our fellow Americans are. How easy it is to get them not only to submit to absurdities and outrages but to beg for them.

And demand everyone submit to them.

The “mandates” are hardly necessary when Sickness Kabuki rituals are performed automatically and the general vibe that sane people must endure is that they are “selfish” and “not being respectful” for objecting to any of it.

But the sane now know who their friends are; more to the point, who their friends really weren’t.

The people we thought we could trust. The ones we now know we can’t.

The ones we not only no longer want to have around but now understand it is not safe to be around. The ones who will – in a heartbeat – not only sic the government on us for failing to play Sickness Kabuki but who will amen cheer all that is to come in the weeks and months and possibly years to come. This includes narcing us out for having the means to defend ourselves; possibly for having the ability to feed ourselves.

We didn’t know, a year ago, that we couldn’t trust these people.

Now we do know.

We also know that anyone who isn’t wearing a Holy Rag in spite of all this pressure is a potential friend and an ally at the least. Someone you probably can trust, who at least hasn’t lost his mind – or his balls.

This is no small thing – and we have weaponized hypochondria to thank for it.

There is something else as well to be thankful for and that is the motivation weaponized hypochondria and all that attends has given those of us who see where this is headed maybe needed.

Including the motivation to get fit. Which is an aspect of getting ready that’s arguable at least as important as having the means to feed and defend yourself; it is in fact a means of defending yourself – one they can’t confiscate, either.

It is also a means of not making it necessary to defend yourself.

I’ve worked out all my life. I’ve never worked out harder – and gotten more results – than I have over the past year, since the onslaught of weaponized hypochondria. Hate is my muse. I have channelled the frustration – the anger – I feel over what is being done to this country, made all the worse by the the sight of a populace willingly playing Sickness Kabuki – into every workout.

It is like Rocky training to fight Ivan Drago – the steroid-enhanced Russian who pummeled Rocky’s friend Apollo Creed to death in the ring.

In the movie.

I’m no Rocky, but I’ve upped my bench press to 305 pounds – which is more than I could bench was 30 and now I’m over 50. I weigh a solid 222 pounds and can run five miles and do 100 push ups. Pretty good for past-my-prime.

This is not to brag. It is to convey what can be done – even in middle age – when one is suitably  . . .motivated.

There are great benefits to this that go beyond the satisfaction of being stronger in middle age than in youth. Obviously, it is healthier to be strong and fit – and that will matter even more in the weeks and months and years ahead, which could be very hard times indeed.

The stronger you are, the more you can take. And the more you can do.

But there is another benefit. Bulking up serves as a deterrent to Sickness Psychotics. No one wants to get punched in the mouth and for this reason most people will not pester someone who appears capable of performing the act. Bullies usually pick fights with people who appear to them weaker. If you are bigger than most, it is likely you’ll become a target last.

And there is a gratifying knightly aspect to this as well. I take pleasure in going shopping insolently showing my face – and with my slightly built girlfriend, who is 5 ft.4 and maybe 130 to my 6ft 3 and 222. It makes me extremely motivated to imagine her being hassled; for that matter, to imagine anyone in her position – a female, or an older person – being hassled by some Face Diapered poltroon. I like to think that my presence in a store serves notice on these Freaks to keep their sickness to themselves.

And so far, it has.

It may, at some point, not – but in that case, I am ready for it in the manner of the person who decides to travel by sea knowing how to swim.

Hopefully, none of this will come into play and the only thing that will result from my getting fit is that I got fit.

But it’s good to know there are other perks – and I’m thankful, in a way, for the motivation that all this sickness has given me.

Maybe you’ll get inspired, too.

. . . .

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  1. Here in WNC, our gym is one of the few businesses refusing to comply with Fuhrer Cooper’s (Governor) order. According to Fuhrer Cooper, all who frequent a gym (25% capacity allowed) must at all times wear the Covid-Burqa. I’ve yet to see anyone comply…including deputies and state troopers. Pity it is such a tiny share of our 80% voted for Trump Country/County.

  2. Lifted weights for years, deadlift, squat, bench, enjoyed it. So glad I found X3 bar. Never going back.

    I don’t enjoy going out now. The faithful make me feel like I’m going to have stroke.

  3. I’m not a person who is into working out, but on the flip side of the coin, I am very glad I quit smoking 7 years ago. I cannot imagine how people would be looking at me unmuzzled with smoker’s cough these days. I quit smoking when I hit middle age for possible health reasons as well as economic reasons. I had no idea I was getting a head start on the sickness psychosis plague about to befell mankind.

  4. I’m on the exact same wavelength Eric! I’ll be 65 next month. I’m 6′ 1″ and usually around 195 lbs. I’m a life long runner, weight lifter, basketball and softball player, etc. I’ve done the 70.3 Ironman. Couldn’t do it last year because I didn’t want to do a virtual event. I’m on no medications. Most people think I’m in my 40’s. I go to Kroger, Home Depot, UDF, and other places without a mask. There used to be others but I’m about the only maskless one anymore. My 20 yr old daughter thinks they don’t bother me because of my size.

    I often think of all the info I would share if anyone said anything to me but it’s only happened a couple of times. I don’t think it would matter though; they aren’t interested enough to seek the truth for themselves or stand up for their rights. I often see people look at me and I wonder if they wish they had the guts to go maskless. When little kids look at me I feel so sorry for them.

    When I was younger and working fulltime and going to school fulltime (paid for it myself! never even thought of taking out a loan!) I didn’t have time to go to the gym so I started channeling membership money to my own gym equipment. I’ve got a half cage, Olympic barbells, dumb bells, squat rack, etc. So nothing changed for me when the gyms closed.

  5. Interesting you should talk about fitness. I moved to Lexington, KY a bit over a year ago, and almost immediately started lifting and working towards running (walk, power walk, add some short runs, etc. until I’m fully running) again. I was training for a 5K that I hoped to run last May. And of course, they canceled because corona. Well, they made it “virtual”. What a load of hooey. That crap makes me not want to sign up for a race again, though I probably will eventually. I always enjoyed the camaraderie of the crowd at the start, the mile markers (and sometimes kilometer markers) so I could pace myself properly, and the clock running at the finish so I could kick if I had a chance at a PR. I don’t do virtual, I want the experience and USATF measured course.

    Like a few others here, I ended up falling into a bit of disrepair because of the stupidity of the governor and society taking my enjoyment away (they closed the fitness center at my apartments for a time as well), so I have to start over again. Sigh. It’ll come, just takes time.

  6. Self defense begins with being able to walk far and carry a load while walking. The military puts a heavy focus on the ability to walk a long distance.

  7. Eric, watch that heavy bench pressing, it killed my brother at 42 years of age. An aortic dissection is instant death and bench pressing that kind of weight is the cause in an otherwise healthy person.

    • Hi Bill,

      I’ve heard that, yup. But I’ve got no kids and what the Hell. I’ve had a good life. I’m losing interest in the “new normal” that’s enveloping us. At least I’ll go out like a man – and that’s ok by me.

      • Interestingly enough, my brother’s name was Eric too.

        I hear you, I hate that term “new normal” too, there is nothing normal about what they are doing to us.

        I understand, I just wanted to give you a heads up because I never knew until my brother passed away. A thoracic surgeon contacted me asking if he could include my brother’s case in a study he was doing on aortic dissections.

  8. When I was in high school I was jock-strapping incessantly. I was pretty buff from the age of 18-60, and pretty good until 64 when Rheumatoid Arthritis laid me low 2 years ago. Having so quickly lost that edge has increased my appreciation of what I had. Being not only fit, but STRONG is a fantastic confidence builder. I had no idea there was a reason for not going anywhere I damn well pleased, including the roughest of neighborhoods after dark. When you’re hard as a rock, people simply have no desire to fuck with you, period. My ex-wife occasionally commented on how much more polite people were when I was with her. One is simply not rude to another, nor his wife, who looks like they could rip your arm off and beat you to death with it. Ahhh, glory days. My strength is a memory. If you’re able, do it. You will be amazed how much easier everything besides your workout is. Including backing down Karens and Kens.

  9. Avoid sweets, all flavored sodas, expensive distilled spirits, expensive wines, a 500 dollar bottle of whiskey is a total waste of money. You got that much, give it to a family that needs money more than you need 500 dollar bottles of whiskey.

    Only communists can afford expensive whiskey and wines. lol

    Have a Bloody Mary now and then or a Caesar, they’re like a liquid salad, use good vodka, Stolichnaya. A margarita with some good tequila works too, don’t drink too much. Beer is always the first choice. Some tonic water with lime and ice, throw some gin in there.

    Eat good food and work until you die, you’ll live longer rather than hoping you’ll make it to an old age if you take it easy, it doesn’t work that way. There was a photo in a National Geographic magazine some twenty years ago or so that featured an 87 year-old Norwegian fisherman still fishing. If you are in good health, you are expected to continue to work in Norway. Why not? What better way to spend a day than fishing when you’re 87?

    Stay fit, not hard to take care of yourself after that.

    I am beginning to wonder if Joe is going to be able to make it through the swearing-in, take the oath to become President.

    He just might get confused right in the middle of his speaking the oath, start to babble incoherently and he’ll have to be led away from the podium. You want shock and awe, that’ll probably do it.

    They might have to wake him up two minutes before, he’ll fall asleep while waiting for the swearing-in ceremony. He won’t even know he’s there, wherever that is to Joe. lol

    If Trump supporters have a lick of sense, they won’t be near Washington DC nor any state capital, stay away. At least 500 miles, more than a thousand is better.

    If any group will be there and even at state capitals, it’ll be antifa disguised as Trump supporters for the sole reason to raise more hell.

    Can’t trust Bolsheviks, you’re not going to be happy with Bolsheviks making life miserable from coast to coast, exhibit A is last summer’s summer in the cities. It is what they do, get used to it.

    George Floyd was a perfect excuse for antifa, read Bolsheviks, to riot in every major city in the US, got the ball rolling. For Bolsheviks, killing is more of a sport.

    They do not play fair, never by the rules, can’t reason with them. They don’t change.

    Communists, socialists were around during the Great Depression doing the same stupid stuff. German prisoners of war in the US during WWII willingly went out to the fields to help with harvest. Better than sitting in a prison camp all day long.

    There is a difference with how willing you want to do something when you are a hopelessly brainwashed Marxist like Ella Reeve Bloor, Mother Bloor. Plenty of history and news stories about Ella.

    Letters from Germans living near Odessa in Ukraine stopped being delivered to America to Germans from Russia who emigrated before 1917, the Germans living in Ukraine were all dead. The last year any correspondence arrived was around 1948, then the relatives here never heard from anyone there again.

    The majority of rural Ukrainians, who were independent small-scale or subsistence farmers, resisted collectivization. They were forced to surrender their land, livestock and farming tools, and work on government collective farms (kolhosps) as laborers. Historians have recorded about 4,000 local rebellions against collectivization, taxation, terror, and violence by Soviet authorities in the early 1930s. The Soviet secret police (GPU) and the Red Army ruthlessly suppressed these protests. Tens of thousands of farmers were arrested for participating in anti-Soviet activities, shot or deported to labor camps.


  10. Hey Ya Eric!

    How’s your shoulder doing with all of the lifting? I’m thinking that since you’re doing so well, it must have improved? Kudos for not letting it stop ya, and powering through!

    I’ve always envied you runners; Been wanting to do a little running myself- even if it’s just a mile or two around my own property- trouble is, the grass is often wet when I’d want to do it. Any ideas for waterproof footwear? Tried waterproof sneakers years ago…they didn’t work very well. I think I’ll have to be resigned to running in my workboots (Perfectly comfy- and probably wouldn’t be a problem for short distances) but was wondering iffin’ ya have any better idears? (I can certainly walk for miles in workboots- I’m just bored with walking, and don’t have the time for it…)

    • Not sure where you are Nunzio, but here in FL they sell “water shoes”. They’re designed to get wet and still stay comfortable, and have rubber soles for good traction. I use them all the time when we go on our friends boat, walk the beach, etc. Might be just what you’re looking for.

      • Adidas used to make a shoe that had drains in the footbed. They looked like a conventional running shoe, but were designed to get wet (submerged, even).

        I wish I bought a pair, as I haven’t seen them since.

      • Thanks, FL. and Myles! I’ll look into those. It’s amazing how “wet” wet grass can get you- Even waterproof can get waterlogged if they’re losing their waterproofedness! (I’m in KY, Floriduh Man).

        • Go barefoot? Get some grounding in – Dr. Mercola talks up grounding quite a bit, wet grass is great for conductivity.
          When I was 20 I could even go barefoot in the snow for a short time, now however; no way.

          • I try to do this every day at lunch if it’s sunny outside. Just grab something to read or find a podcast and sink my feet into the grass.

          • Hi Helot,

            Long-time runner here;my 50 cents: Be very careful about running barefoot. Not everyone is built for this and you can hurt your feet by running in the wrong shoes or no shoes at all. If you’re new to running, I recommend trying different shoes and maybe getting some personal advice (if you can without Diapering) about which type of shoe best fits your foot/type of running you plan on doing.

            • eric, my father’s side of the family transmits a problem with legs that aren’t straight. I’m the only male who hasn’t had surgery or something similar with braces and it tells on me too.

              When I broke both bones in my left leg and pulled the center of the bone lose with my achilles tendon I’ve never been the same.

              When I started back trucking it was a rough road for me physically, especially on rough roads every day.

              August before last I got sick and after a year I was beginning to not care if I survived or not. Things are better now but I shed so much muscle I know I can never get it back. Then there’s just the joy of being 71 too which is a muscle loser too.

              The bad part in a way is how muscular I once was. I was never fast running but could run a bike fast.

              Last week with that huge hog after CJ and me it was just a split second shot that saved us both. We have such a huge amount of hogs now I won’t even go into the pasture armed on foot. I go in the pickup and dread getting stuck or having mechanical trouble. I have always used a 20 round mag and now and again(when working out)used a 30. Now I use a double forty. Just watch one of these Frontline videos about AI. Lately I’ve heard Elon Musk worry out loud about AI and is afraid it will be the end of us. I was surprised the first time but more so the next time he had some bad things to say about AI.


        • Morning, Nunz!

          I avoid running in the rain as it tends to shorten the life of the running shoe. Good shoes are not cheap, by the way – but they are much less expensive than foot surgery!

          • Get some Shoe Goo. I have a pair of Dr. Scholl’s runners that are the most comfortable I have ever owned. So good I went back and bought a second pair for backup. That was 5 years ago. I have abused them, completely soaking them many times.

            Since all shoes are now glued together, Shoe Goo can rebuild them until the material itself disintegrates. After three years, one pair finally was too far gone. I have fixed the second pair several times now. Goop the seam, tape with masking tape. Good as new the next day. Just make sure they are completely dry before gluing.

            • Hehe, my current pair of ancient and abused Wolverines are glued together with Gorilla Glue. I’ve had an NOS pair in the closet for years, waiting to go into service…I think the time may be coming for them soon!

              • Nunz, I used some great gasket maker to keep some Timberland’s going for another year. I still have them and 2 other worn out pair. All identical. For some reason, the left sole goes before anything else. Couldn’t possibly be 20 old clutches in big rigs…… way. Those old trucks clutches get really stiff and the linkage will just break. Not to say hydraulics don’t break too. My old Chevy K3500 had the hose blow up sitting at a convenience store. I had to shut it off, put it into reverse, back up, shut it off and put it into 3rd and then OD and made it home(60 miles)no problem. Yeah, I ran stop signs but slowly.

          • Hi Ya Eric!
            Oh, no plans to run in the rain- but between the dew at night (when I’m most likely to run or walk) and the effects of earlier-in-the-day showers, the grass is often wet. No plans to go barefoot through my pasture/hayfield either! For the short distances I intend to run, I’ll probably just stick with my trusty Wolverine waterproof work boots- Heck, work boots are all I’ve ever worn for miles and miles of walking in the city and country since I was a teen….no complaints (I always love how they smooth-out rough ground. I’ve never been a sneaker person) so hopefully they’ll be just as good for short runs. Last time I attempted running, I had no complaints with the boots. (I attempt running about once every decade…this time ahmo gonna do it! I’m getting too sedentary- which isn’t good being not much more than a year away from turning 60 [<–BLASPHEMY! That can't be!] I need something that doesn't take up much time…which is why I gave up cycling 🙁 )

            • Hi Nunz!

              Some advice from a guy who has been running for decades: Start slowly. I’d even counsel a fast walk before you ease into running and then a moderate pace for maybe a quarter mile the first time out; see how this feels. Listen to your body. Do not force it; do not run at a pace that’s not natural – fast or slow. Take a day off in between your next run. Always rest in between runs. Gradually up your mileage until you arrive at a distance that gives you a good workout but doesn’t wipe you out. Be sure to use good shoes – that work for you. Your foot. Your type of running. This varies a lot!

              I love running and hope you get something out of it, too!

              • Thanks for the advice, Eric!
                I walk pretty fast….even for a NYer (I used to slalom through the crowded sidewalks of Manhattan like I was driving a Ferarri! Funny thing is, when I’ve tried running, my run doesn’t seem to be much faster than my walk- possibly slower! But I know there comes a point where you just hit a ‘cadence’ and it starts to work…. Last time I tried running, I’d do like little 1/4-mile stints with bouts of walking between ’em. But definitely- I’m a big proponent of listening to one’s body- ultimately, we know better than anyone else or any “expert” or formula, what we need and what we can tolerate.

                I’m gonna really give it a shot.

    • Nunzio,

      I like the asics gt-2000 model. I have both the road and the trail versions. They’re not waterproof, but they drain really well. Where I run, feet can get submerged and waterproof shoes would take on water through the top and keep my feet underwater. You need the right socks though. Straight cotton socks just stay wet. You’ll need something that’s moisture wicking if you go with shoes that drain.

      • cjm, try Thorlo socks. They have socks that keep your feet dry, even in leather boots and are very thick if you want comfort. I’m hard on socks doing the kind of trucking I just quit, well, got insuranced out of doing. I’ve have many pair of Thorlo last 10 years when I buy 4 pair at a time. I wore through a pair yesterday and they were 7 years old but had been worn under hard circumstances. I use their quarter socks and they are fine even in cold weather in my boots and if I get them wet, they don’t stay that way long. The particular type I wear are white and dark blue on the heel and the ball portions. They’re not cheap initially but year after year of wearing them they’re very cheap. To compare them to other socks, I used to work hard enough in the oil field to go through a pair of cotton socks every day.

        • Thanks for the tip Eightsouthman,

          I already have several pairs of Thorlos. I use them for long distance hiking/orienteering but if I’m running I use Balega Enduros. This time of year, I use the Thorlos for golf too.

  11. Geez Eric, you’re makin me feel bad! I kinda went in the opposite direction. My gym closed back in March, so I’ve been drinking too much and getting fat! Used to go to gym 6 days a week, now I haven’t done shit in almost a year. On the plus side, I also stopped shaving in March, so the beard is pretty long and scraggly. I do shave my head though, so I look like kind of a dirtbag at this point. I think that’s a deterrent too, and maybe why people leave me alone when I’m undiapered. I’m not a big guy, but not small either – 5’11, a shade over 200 (used to be 180!)

    • Same here. I have definitely been hitting the booze a little more often, but trying to keep my workouts up. Still have problem with the weight. Because of my knowledge of the world situation and other factors, I am pretty sure that my cortisol levels are through the roof, alcohol consumption notwithstanding, which somewhat neuters the gains I would make working out. I wish I had your vertical advantage. Here, 5’4″ 160 lb. I have been harassed a few times for not wearing a mask, but not often. It’s probably because I am in Oklahoma a state with no statewide mask mandate.

  12. Now that the leftists Bolsheviks are in control of everything, the real vampire squid, they need to get down to business. Gotta do it.

    Bolsheviks take these things seriously and if you are the chosen group for the pogrom, you’ll be gulaged before you know it where you’ll be given a choice, work and eat gruel until you die, there won’t be any getting out of there.

    Trump supporters should have the option of being shot, stoned to death, hanged, burned at the stake, guillotined or buried alive. No fair just shooting them, a choice has to be given. It is only fair to have a choice for your inevitable demise. Euthanasia is being too kind, not an option.

    If it is going to become a witch hunt, a hunt down of Trump supporters, an open season on Trump supporters, a legal gypsy hunt, Trump supporters just need to do the right thing, lay down and die when the time comes.

    It’ll take a lot less time to settle the matters. Really the only choice you have, at this point, what does it matter? Don’t forget to give up your firearms, rifles, pistols, your guns, that is a prerequisite.

    Leftist compassion for your surviving children will be some consolation.

    After that, millions more can starve to death in the wake.

    Some dark humor during another terrible Dark Winter day.

  13. eric “We didn’t know, a year ago, that we couldn’t trust these people.”

    I did. I have know for decades that nobody can be FULLY trusted. Nobody. Trust is the rug that WILL be pulled out from under you.

    Even my oldest friend, who can be relied on most of the time, has clearly shown that it is not absolute. Any authority barks and he will comply. He ABSOLUTELY would not have my back if the government pressured him.

    At least in this his behavior is consistent. I know this and would never rely on him in those situations. I’ll take predictable over ‘trustworthy’, because I have yet to meet someone I could fully trust.

    • BTW, that same friend? I sent him this,

      “CDC figures show chance of surviving ‘Rona 99.97%. Chance of surviving the Vax appears to be about 97.5%. You got an A+ in algebra and probability and statistics, right?”

      He masks and is planning on getting the vax. Yes, even after I sent this. Booksmart certainly does not equal intelligence.

  14. That’s awesome, Eric! Keep up the good work. Have you noted “men” in their late teens and 20s….most look emaciated and thinner than the aluminum used on today’s car. Fragile bodies, fragile minds, they all are. This country is ripe for the pickings by an outside force…say China, as an example.

    • Anonymous,

      Around late Arpil/early May of the plandemic i had to go to home depot for some paint. They were still limiting rhe number of people in the store so i had to sit on line. All on line had dutifully doned their face diapers for the wait except of course me. There was one of those soy boy type millenials in front of me who happened to turn around and see me standing there not giving proper genuflections to the sickness religion. Eyes wide i could see he was about to say something but then stopped. I’m not a tall guy, 5’6″ and i’m a little pudgy in the middle but i’m built like a linebacker and most people leave me alone. I could see in this true believers eyes he was willing to test my resolve, until his eyes glanced down to the words Smith & Wesson on the tshirt i was wearing. His eyes then darted back and forth from the words in my shirt to my don’t f&@k with me glare a couple of times before he meekly turned back around and never looked back again. Funny how just the words on my shirt was enough to put this millennial to heel.

  15. I got myself back to fighting weight last spring. Over the summer I was doing very well, despite not being able to hit the weight room but improvising with basic calisthenics and a few thousand miles of cycling and running.

    Then the fires started. From the east came the Grizzly Creek fire, from the west, Pine Gulch. The smoke was so bad that my home had a layer of soot on all the walls. I couldn’t see down to the Colorado river from my house, less than a mile away. Any aerobic activity quickly ended in a coughing fit. Needless to say the weight came back, and the fitness went away. Been “building back better” since, but it is demoralizing to have to start over again. And yes, I tried wearing a mask while riding to see if it would help. No, it didn’t.

    No one really ever said what caused the Grizzly Creek fire, but for sure it started on I-70 near the No Name creek exit. Usually if a stray cigarette or tow chains were the cause we’d never hear the end of it, but much like the California and Oregon fires, the silence leads to conjecture and theories. For sure Pine Gulch getting out of control was negligence on the part of the US Forest Service, but they’re blameless as usual.

  16. Remember not to get too lean. Carry a healthy amount of fat for the american great leap foreward holomodor. Lean mass doesn’t metabolize kindly during hard times or keep you warm.

  17. ‘It is healthier to be strong and fit – and that will matter even more in the weeks and months and years ahead, which could be very hard times indeed.’ — EP

    Hard times start on Wednesday: “(CNN) President-elect Joe Biden plans to sign roughly a dozen executive orders on his first day in office, according to a memo from incoming chief of staff Ron Klain. He’ll sign orders halting evictions and student loan payments during the coronavirus pandemic and issuing a mask mandate on all federal property.”

    Chief of staff Ron Klain wrote the sweeping memo. Is Biden himself too feeble to wield a pen, or perhaps never learned to type? Another possibility exists.

    Robert Heinlein, in his 1956 novel Double Star, describes how washed-up actor Lawrence Smith is secretly recruited to impersonate powerful global politician Joe Bonforte, while Bonforte is recovering from injuries inflicted during a kidnapping which was not made public.

    In his Bonforte persona, Smith runs in an election and wins. But then Bonforte unexpectedly dies, and Smith is obliged to keep playing his Bonforte political impersonation for life.

    Time to ask: is a Biden double prepped to step in, as @realJoe slips into tongue-tied senility? Or has it already happened, with some elderly actor standing in for Biden (not terribly difficult, considering Biden’s frozen dogface and halting pony-soldier diction), while Ron Klain writes “Biden’s” memos and speeches on behalf of the shadowy GloboGov figures that pull Klain’s puppet strings?

    Forgive me, as a stylistic matter, for henceforth using scare quotes not around ‘president’ but rather around ‘Biden.’

    • Does federal property include interstate highways? National parks? Coastal waters? The border zone that extends 150 miles inward from any boundary?

      So tired of executive orders standing in for actual laws, and applying to people instead of agencies. Not that it really matters, what with Bidet’s people + Mittens controlling the legislative bodies anyway.

        • Yes. The whole concept of “executive order” IMPLIES that it is an order to be obeyed by ALL. But who is ALL? In fact, the only ones obligated to obey EO’s are those employees and agencies under the authority of the issuer. E.g., Trump’s EOs apply only to Federal agencies and employees, Guv’s EOs apply only to state agencies and employees, etc. However, because everyone who dutifully obeys gives their consent to this madness, the illusion appears that all MUST obey. So the language of the EOs gets more and more draconian, with fines, jail, threats, etc. But in the end, it is all bluff and bluster.

          Even the “mandatory evacuation orders” in FL and other states do not actually force people out of their homes…they just signify that the individuals who choose not to leave from the point the EO is issued are remaining at their own risk. No NG to come to the door to drag them out of their homes for not “obeying”. How far we’ve fallen…

          I seem to remember an Obama EO or two being challenged successfully in court, probably after the damage was done. I think at least one had to do with offshore drilling.


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