
Female AGW Conjures Ilse Koch

Some of you will be familiar with Ilse Koch - infamous wife of Buchenwald concentration camp commandant Karl Otto Koch. She was tried after the war for her sadistic treatment of...

Reader Question: Off-Roader Recommendation?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! James asks: I currently have a 2007 Scion Tc which has been absolutely incredible. My favorite car that I have ever owned, if...

The Amen Corner

I’ve written about the media’s active complicity in pushing the EV Agenda. This includes the car media, which seems to have very few car people behind the bylines. Car people being...

Magnets and Stickers!

Just a quick note about EPautos magnets and stickers. I got a great deal on stickers, and will be sending people one or two of them along with their magnets. First...

Tacticooled AGW is “Respectful”

This video is making the rounds - for the wrong reasons. It purports to show a misbehaving Millennial - the misbehaving consisting in not showing adequate deference to the armed government...

Reader Question: Is it Stopped or Started?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Kara asks: About ASS. My Volkswagen Jetta has it and push-start ignition. One of the thing I dislike about it is that I...

Video Rant: Boom Boom Boom

It's getting to be spring, which brings out the Bix Noodians - the losers who drive around in their cars with their Rap "music" concussing everything within a half-mile radius. They...

Reader Question: Worth Rebuilding?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply!  Jeff asks: I've got an '89 Chevy pick-up that needs a new (or rebuilt) engine. Is it worth doing? My reply: The answer to...

Bulletheaded AGW Stalks Man

Here's video taken by a man in Denver, who pulled into a parking lot so his wife could go into a business to conduct some . . . business. A bulletheaded AGW...

Elon’s Game of Three Card Monte

Elon is in the news again - but not for the right reason. The SEC is angry with him over his Tweets - which ought to anger Tesla shareholders even more (not...
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