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The Kz and the EV

Yesterday I did something I doubt anyone will be doing 46 years from now - at least, not with anything that's new right now. That being throwing a leg over the saddle...

More News You’ve Probably Not Heard

It’s hard to know what’s really going on when it’s not being reported.  Much less explained. One example of this is the not-reported news - which is big news - that Honda will...

Your First Bike

There is an exception to the rule about not spending money in order to save it. That exception is the two-wheeled alternative to four-wheeled transportation. Motorcycles. Buying one can cut your cost to...

Fun Sometimes Costs!

There is a saying about horses for courses. It means: Don’t take a Cyldesdale to the Kentucky Derby. Nonetheless, it’s sometimes fun to do just that.  My ’83 Honda GL650 Silverwing isn’t...

Air-Cooled vs. Water-Cooled Bikes

Lots of interest in motorcycles now - for practical reasons. They are a way of dealing with the doubling of the price of gas - by doubling or even tripling your...

Helmet Laws Are Unsafe . . . and Worse

The other night, I went for an evening ride with my girlfriend  - neither of us wearing a helmet, which is no longer legal in this and most other states. We...

Night Riding

Some things are better done in the dark. Riding a motorcycle, for instance.  At night, you do not have the sun in your face. You have the stars, above - backlit, perhaps,...

How to Double – Even Triple – Your Gas Mileage

There is not much we can do about the doubling-plus of the price of gas, which is a function of our money buying less as much as it is a function...

The Art of the Ride

Why ride a motorcycle?  You are exposed to the elements. It requires concentration, involvement. You cannot text. You may get wet. You are fully in control of the thing, especially if it’s...

Dumb – As Seen in the Rearview

We all do dumb things - which we thought at the time we did them were smart things. One of the dumbest things I’ve done over the past several years was...
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