
News/Other Stuff

News, general interest stuff

Rand Paul is Not One of Us

There's been a lot of fire directed at Ron Paul for saying, "Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD...

A Real Hero Stands Up to Faux Heroes

This guy has balls:

Reader Question: What to Do?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Gregg asks: Hi Eric, I heard your interview on the Tom Woods show, great interview! Someone asked the opposite question I wanted to...

Radio Today/Site News

I'll be on with Bill Meyer (KMED in Oregon)  today at 9:35 east coast to discuss the milking of our data without tossing us a few coins, at least. Should be...

Get Ready For North Korean-Style Wailing For Slain Vegas Heroes

Motive Sought in Las Vegas Shooting  LAS VEGAS (AP) — Two police officers were "simply having lunch" at a strip mall pizza buffet in Las Vegas when a man and a woman...

Reader Question: The Arcimoto Exception?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Ryan asks: I was really excited to read about Elio Motors on your site years ago. I love riding my 400cc DualSport motorcycle for...

Thug Scrum Review

This one's rough going...

Ohio Heroes Bully Some Teens

Watch these two boars show how manly and tough they are:

Reader Question: Acura ILX?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Larry asks: I have an opportunity to make an offer on a Acura 2016 ILX with 42K miles. Asking price is $16K. Owner...

Reader Question: The Future of IC Cars?

Here's the latest reader question, along with my reply! Stephen asks: I heard you talking on Infowars this morning (here) about the future of cars. Do you really think combustion cars must...
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