
A Tale of Two Cities. . . Trump’s Washington and Hidalgo’s Paris

In Washington, President Trump announced that environmental regulations are “out of control” - and promised to get them back under control. In Paris, Mayor Anne Hidalgo (which sounds about as French as...

Worst New Car “Safety” Features

Some of you might remember the '90s sci-fi flick, Demolition Man. It starred Sylvester Stallone and portrayed a future world obsessed with "safety." That's our reality, today. If you've seen the movie,...

What We’re Up Against

The following is an example of the Augean Stables that will have to be mucked out before there is any hope for a rebirth of liberty in this country. It was...

Clovers’ Union

The Clovers who style themselves Consumers Union - not having been elected to this status by any actual "consumers" - have decided they want the government to impose a new mandate...

All Over The Road Clover

But, he's not "drunk" - so it's ok! The driver (loosely used) in the video above was almost certainly sober. But his form of impairment (incompetence? senility?) is not socially stigmatized, much...

Another Gentle “Nudge” . . .

Whatever their failings, machines generally don’t second-guess you. Turn them on, turn them off. Point them in a certain direction. Command them to move or spin or do whatever it is...

Dangerous New Car Features

New cars have become so “safe” they’re becoming dangerous. They have systems which make an accident more likely - while touting how much more crashworthy they are now vs. previously. Arguably, the...

Latest Radio: Loving Liberty/Bryan Hyde Show 3/24/20

Here's the audio of my chat earlier today with Bryan Hyde, who hosts the Loving Liberty Show in Utah! I wish we could have talked about ASS. Instead, circumstances forced us...

Today’s Clover: Slow Down & Tailgate (May 4, 2018)

Here's today's Clover - yesterday's, actually! I was driving down the mountain - as we say up in The Woods - when I rolled up behind this Clover, who was "driving" (if...

Aiding and Abetting

People ask why car culture is dying. It is being helped along by car journalists. They have become not far removed from the vapid-in-the-background guitar-strumming infomercials for insurance companies that tell...
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