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Who Are These People?

If you thought it was over - Ronamonomania, that is - it isn't. The "G20" - cuing Seinfeld's "who-are-these-people?" - recently decided, without any of us having asked them to, that...

Shopping Amongst the Diapered

I went shopping at Kroger today; everyone but me was Diapered. It's unsettling not seeing so many faces. So many people afraid of the Bogeyman Virus - which isn't going to...

Mafia Profiling

Have you noticed that what you're forced to pay in car insurance premiums - an outrage in itself - also bears almost no relation to what you’ve actually done as a...

The EV Irony . . .

Why do people buy electric cars? It isn't to save money (ridiculous) or save the planet (fatuous) though some EV buyers believe - in the religious sense - that they are doing...

Enter the CSO

Is it coincidence that the decline - and impending fall - of the car industry correlates with the  rise and proliferation of such things as chief sustainability officers?  Rivian - the electric...

Why I’m a Libertarian

Every single political movement promises everything except the one thing libertarianism defends for everyone: Your right - and everyone else's right - to be left alone. Put another way, to be left out...

Superficially Nice

One of the hardest things to come to grips with is the incongruity of "nice people." We all know them. They are our neighbors, co-workers; people we chit-chat with in a friendly...

Obedience Culture

When did Americans become so  . . . obedient? That is easy to answer. It became so when they became so reflexively fearful. Of everything. Of anything. That happened a little more...

Solo Diapering

The following video shows that intelligence and affluence do not necessarily correlate: A Diaper and gloves. Alone in his Porsche - which might get him sick, apparently. This is the apotheosis of Sickness...

Buying Into What They’re Selling . . .

Marketing is the business of persuading you to feel the need for something you otherwise would probably have never thought of buying - and to make you feel good about buying...
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