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Cat-Calling . . .

This "anti-Semitic" business is something I've thought about going into - so here goes. Like "racist," it has become a generic shout-down word - one that works because there are anti-Semitic people,...

“hero” Called by Anonymous Busybody

I found the following video - taken by a news reporter in her car - and thought it was worth a word or three. The woman is sitting in her vehicle,...

Hostility Toward Reality

Orwell wrote about telling the truth being a revolutionary act - in a time of universal deceit. But what led to the time of universal deceit? Such as the one we're...

Bad News for Elon…

The Clinton News Network (CNN) has announced that Tesla is laying off another 7 percent of its workers - having previously laid off  9 percent of them last summer. So, 16 percent...

Advanced Handling Assistance

If a person is unable to competently parallel park a car - arguably a basic skill - do they have any business driving one? In a culture seemingly obsessed with saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety,...

AGWs “Make Sure” 55 Times

AGWs in Vallejo California have just been absolved of shooting a man apparently passed out in his car 55 times. News story is here. The investigation into the killing of Willie McCoy found...

If We’ve Got to Have Driver’s Licenses . . .

It's an affront to the right to travel freely to have to get the state's permission to be allowed to do it - which is what having to obtain a driver's...

The Art of the Gyp

People talk about shrinkflation - you pay the same but get less. The 10 ounce pack of bacon for $5.99 vs. the pound you used to get for the same price. Which...

No Corona in South Dakota

Well, no hysteria over Corona; aka the WuFlu - which has laid low most of the country except for a few places like South Dakota. Where there was no "lockdown" -...

Lexington & Corona Concord

At Lexington and Concord, the American colonists pushed back. The same is beginning to happen at Lexington and Concords all around the country, from the beaches of California - where Face Diapering...
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